Monday, January 28, 2013

How we know we have HIV aids? & how much time it takes

How we know we have HIV aids? & how much time it takes ?
If someone is infected with HIV what are the first signs ? after having sex with HIV infected person much time it takes to show we got HIV inside us? how many months? or years? and what are the signs ? like headaches , vomiting blood or something ?
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
I am certified with AIDS. Usually people when they first get aids. They usually get a symptoms at first like a flu or cold. After the virus has been in the system for two weeks. Right after that it goes away which is why allot people do not get checked. Then they start waking up at night sweating. They start getting sick allot. Allot of them get Kaposi's Sarcoma it is cancer rash. It common with people with aids. It common for them to get cancer. Aids is a immune disorder. You rarely ever hear someone say ''he died of aids.''. Most the time people with aids get cancer. If you are not familiar with what cancer is. It is a bad cell. Allot times are immune system recognize that bad cell destroys it. What happens when people have Aids is their bodies defense is so poor becuase the cd4 cells are infected that it can not fight that over active cell. So they get cancer. Or a simple cold could kill them. It deadly to them. You can get AIDs through syringes, breast milk, blood semen, vagina discharge. You can not get aids through sweat, nor tears. HIV means you have the virus in you. Once it starts infecting cells then it is full blown aids. The reason you can not cure aids. It because it always infecting cd4 cells.(lymcyotes) As fast as your body produces them is as fast as it infects them. as HIV infect the body it uses CD4..(lymcyotes) to make copy's of itself. Each day the body makes billions of CD4 cells. The virus infects them. After infected the number of Cd4 cells go down. CD4 cells fight infection. Eventually they become infected. HIV usually wins but they can make medications to slow down the process. It always mutating! As far as life expectancy goes AIDs effects everyone different. Some people live 20 years with AIDs. While others live ten years with AIDs. Hope I could help! I am not a doctor. I can not diagnosis you just give you the best medical advice based on my scope of practice.
2 :
Most of the time there are no symptoms. Some people experience mild flu like symptoms in the early stages of contracting HIV but like I said most people do not experience any symptoms for months even years. You need to be tested 30 days after exposure to HIV and then 6 months after exposure. Some people take longer to build up the antibodies that are detected in a HIV test so you must test atleast 1 month, and then 6 months after exposure. If you test too soon you will not get an accurate result. There are oral tests (where they swab your cheek) or blood tests (where they draw blood from your vein) which both of these tests are accurate at detecting HIV antibodies.
3 :
ARS Symptoms are first to appear. These are very broad symptoms that a person has whenever infected by a retro virus. These are just very common things fever etc. This happens around 1 month to 1 month and 2 weeks. After that it lies dormant and symptoms can hide for 10 years.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

can i get infected by hiv aids or any other stds if

can i get infected by hiv aids or any other stds if?
1. if i hugg an hiv infected person? 2. share drinks, cigarette, food with an hiv infected person? 3. by kissing an hiv infected person? 4. is it true that hiv virus is so small that it can get pass through pores of condom? so no condom is 100 % safe.
STDs - 2 Answers
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1 :
You cannot Hiv from kissing, sharing cutlery, food, cigarettes etc. Condoms are the only safe way to prevent STD transfer and only if the condom splits you take a risk. You must live a very sheltered life if you do not already no the answers to these questions,
2 :
the answer for number 1 is no 2 is no 3 is no and 4 is use a latex condom they are the safest choice do not use lambskin or sex shop condoms use a brand like durex or life styles it will tell you on the box the effective percentage on the box oh yea do not do iv drugs

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Who has the best policy on dealing with HIV/AIDS in America

Who has the best policy on dealing with HIV/AIDS in America?
Here are some problems: Huckabee is totally out of it on this one - he still refuses to admit that HIV is not an airborne virus and still thinks that only "sinful" people have it. Hillary, on the other hand wants to throw alot of money at the cause but her focus is not on the USA alone - she wants to help Africa too. It's a nice thought, but Americans want her to be concerned with THEM in this election - not Africa. So who else should we be looking at on this issue?
Politics - 4 Answers
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1 :
How about the people themselves.
2 :
Send HIV/AIDS people to Canada where the LIBTARDS are entranced by their universal health care system...
3 :
My guess would be the Dems. As it is AIDS gets more research money than some of the bigger killers such as heart disease so I wouldn't complain too much if I were you.
4 :
well, we already made promises to africa with GWB, we can't pay for peoples meds then all the sudden cut them off and let them die -

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Without treatment, how long can a person with HIV/ AIDS expect to live

Without treatment, how long can a person with HIV/ AIDS expect to live?
How fast does it progress? I know that everyone is different, but lets just talk in generalities. btw, I don't have HIV, it's just a topic of conversation i was having earlier with coworkers.
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a retrovirus, meaning that it mutates rapidly. This means that life expectancy would vary from person to person, depending on their strains. In some cases, HIV can develop symptoms with weeks and a person could develop AIDS within a year. (YOU DON"T DIE FROM AIDS. You die because the human body's defense system of white blood cells is depleted.) In other cases, HIV may not even present a positive result on a test with 6 months, and symptoms may not develop for up to 10 years.
2 :
I don't think there are numbers or statistics that can answer that questions. Everybody is different. I have known people that do drugs, drink, smoke etc and are positive but get sick once a year. Then there are people that do everything possible to stay healthy and they get sick. I've seen "normal" cases too where people take their meds, eat well etc and hardly ever get sick. But one would think if you are positive and eatting horrible, drinking/smoking, doing drugs, that you would get sick all the time. One of my ex's was positive and smoked a lot. He got sick a few times in the year, but when he did it would last for 2/3 weeks- pretty scary! As for the progression, that just depends on strong or weak of the strain is someone has. Check out the link below- it has lots of info about types, subtypes, the most common strains and least common. OOOO, and I would personally say that an average person not taking meds, and that eats bad and drinks or smokes would live for maybe 5 to 10 years before getting real sick. Good topic to discuss =0) After reading dude above me, the people that it takes 6 months to detect are considered rare cases. About 96 to 97% of people will be detectable by the 3rd month. (plus or minus a few,but still that number is pretty high and people should be getting tested regularly if you sleep around).
3 :
There are many variables that can increase or decrease the rate of progression in someone with HIV disease. Genetics, age, general health, strain of HIV, adherence to medications, etc. Averages (without HIV-specific treatment) (in North America) It can take around 8-10 years for major symptoms to show up, even after that a person would most likely live a few years with major symptoms and around 3 years once an AIDS diagnosis was made (assuming they were getting medical care for the opportunistic infections they may be fighting). Again as you mentioned, these are averages. Some people get infected and progress to AIDS in a few years (never heard of a few weeks as was mentioned above...), others can live with HIV for much longer without treatment. Some people don't seem to progress. They are called long term non-progressors (or more recently, Elite controllers). These people seem to have a genetic mutation that helps their body fight off HIV infection and keep it at bay. An even smaller percentage of people carry two copies of the mutated gene and seem to have 100% protection from even getting infected (more research is being done on this now.)

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

How can I draw a picture which depicts HIV/AIDS

How can I draw a picture which depicts HIV/AIDS?
HIV has no face, so I cant just draw a person . . . There would need to be a big building behind them which reads "AIDS CLINIC" or something.... or somewhere in the picture , would need to be a red awareness ribbon . How do I draw HIV?
Drawing & Illustration - 4 Answers
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1 :
Draw a sample of a regular cell and the difference of an HIV cell.
2 :
Here are links to pages of illustrations, pictures of the AIDS cell, charts and diagrams bout the disease, symbols and cartoons about HIV/AIDS. These images should trigger some good ideas for you for your project. How about the graphic symbols for male and female... the circle and slanted arrow, and the circle with a cross, intersecting with the curved, pink awareness ribbon? Maybe with an sad eye with a tear added? Good Luck on your project.
3 :
You're right, HIV has no face, but it also has every face. No one is protected, which is why everyone should be. I think you should just draw some people, but forget the clinic background. It would be much more powerful to show that there is no line between the two in appearance. I've been HIV+ for a decade now and I'm a professional graphic designer. I don't, however, usually find myself walking in front of AIDS clinics! But go with your gut; make a point.
4 :
a giant sign reading F******** or my real answer :P could you show the effects i has on lives?

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What are early signs or symptoms of HIV/AIDS

What are early signs or symptoms of HIV/AIDS?
Do you think that there will ever be a cure or that there is already one and the govertment doesnt want us to know?
STDs - 1 Answers
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1 :
There is no cure. I work or a university that is working on one, but it is a long ways off. As for early signs, maybe flu like symptoms, maybe, there are no signs. If a person is HIV+ does not get tested, it can take 10-12 years to have any signs.

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Friday, January 4, 2013

What are the consequences of premarital sex apart from STDs, HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancy

What are the consequences of premarital sex apart from STDs, HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancy?
Need it urgently 4 my project wk. Thnks...........
Singles & Dating - 2 Answers
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1 :
I think you have answered your own question!
2 :
In the old days, it would have meant the bride couldn't wear a white wedding dress. Nowadays, practically everyone has had sex before marriage - not all, but a lot. Some people regard marriage as the only right and proper place for sex, and that it should only occur between a man and his wife.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What tests are given to determine if a person has AIDS? What is the precise difference between HIV & AIDS

What tests are given to determine if a person has AIDS? What is the precise difference between HIV & AIDS ?
please provide the source/ webiste used.
STDs - 4 Answers
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1 :
Do your school work yourself.
2 :
A blood test can determine exposure to the HIV virus. HIV infection means the virus is in your body. AIDS is defined by certain opportunistic infections.
3 :
HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS. HIV is found by a simple antibody test, called an Elisa test, a western blot test is the confirmatory test. HIV is a viral STD. The determination of AIDS is based on the T-Cell count, normal T-Cells for a person run between 800 and 1400, when the T-Cell drops below 200 it become an AIDS diagnosis, or if a HIV+ person has a lot of opportunistic infection a Doctor can make an AIDS diagnosis. I am a trainer for HIV prevention
4 :
You are going to have to source your own data. HIV is the virus that ultimately may lead to AIDS. AIDS is when your immune system is so poor that a secondary infection puts you at the risk of death. This is years later, maybe 10-15 years as of 2000. Something as simple as a cold can trigger the total collapse of the human immune system if you have nothing left to fight it off.

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