Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I was wondering if when you are admitted to the ICU and blood is taken, do they always test it for HIV/AIDS

I was wondering if when you are admitted to the ICU and blood is taken, do they always test it for HIV/AIDS?
I was recently in a car accident, admitted to ICU and my blood was tested for drugs and alcohol. I have heard that whenever blood is taken at a hospital that they are required to test it for all variations of Hepititis and HIV/AIDS. I was wondering if this is true and if the hospital is required to inform you if you test positive for any of the above.
STDs - 7 Answers
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1 :
They may do a Hepatitis panel if they suspect if the condition is present based on lab findings such as your liver enzymes. HIV testing still requires written permission. No health care agency can perform HIV testing without written consent.
2 :
they cant test for aids without signed consent form from patient,so no,they dont routinely test.
3 :
No that is not true. Hospitals have to inform you if they are going to test you for communicable diseases like Hepatitis or HIV/AIDS...most states require your consent for these tests unless a hospital employee was exposed to your blood or body fluids (i.e.: got stuck with a needle used on you or your blood got splashed in their eye, etc...). If they did test you for these...which I doubt...They are obligated to give you the results. It is standard for hospitals to test your drug & alchohol levels if you are involved in a car accident. It's called a toxicology screen.
4 :
yes, all blood is checked for i think all std's. if they find you have one of these you would definetely be informed
5 :
No that is not true. In most cases, you have to give written premission ( usually sign a paper of some sort) to allow your blood to be tested for HIV/AIDS. And if they find something they should let you know so that you can seek treatment. Talk to the ER Dr that admitted you. Good Luck!!!!
6 :
Call your hospital and find out what their requirement is on testing for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis in the emergency room. When I was admitted to the emergency room, my blood was tested for HIV and I wasn't ever asked unless it was included in the papers they had me sign when I was admitted.
7 :
no only if it´s necesary for clinical suspicion of aids, i mean clinical manifestation of aids

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

when did start HIV/aids in the world/ Ethiopia as epidemic

when did start HIV/aids in the world/ Ethiopia as epidemic?

Infectious Diseases - 5 Answers
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1 :
it started because of lack of education to the third world countries about sexual transmitted disceases and contreception. Many leaders would tell their country that to cure HIV/AIDS, they just had to have sex with a virgin. Lack of resources and education really... Sorry If that didnt answer your question - I just guessed that this is what you meant...
2 :
I was in High school,when I heard about the first A.I.D,S cases.At first it was gay men and intravenus drug users who were getting it,so we were not concerned about it.It was around 1981 or 1982 when the first cases were I ever heard about.I think it started much earlier,but it was the early 80s when people started hearing about it.
3 :
According to my knowledge, it started back in Africa when soldiers started having physical intercourse with the apes in dense forests out there. Secondly,facts have been proven that HIV/AIDS had first emerged in apes
4 :
I think it was around 1982 ...and the 1st person on whom the virus was found was a woman called Belaynesh...
5 :
I was just reading about this the other day on the internet and it did not start from having sex with monkeys. Actually aids is a man made disease (THIS IS TRUE). The military is behind this. It was supposed to be used as a defense mechanism. I hope I remember and describe what I read correctly. They were looking for something that humans had no immunity from. Something was taken from the monkeys kidney to help develope aids. Just as the Nazis wanted to be rid of Jews and the KuKlux Clan wanted to be rid of the black population, the man made aids virus was first tested in Africa on the African people. And then here in the states. There were those who wanted to be rid of gays and lesbians, so the virus was tested on volunteers of gay and lesbians. Of course they didn't know what they were being injected with. So here in America it became know as the homosexual disease because they were the first to have it. The same thing was done years back when they developed a cure for syphallis. A community of black people had syphillis and the medicine was withheld from them (a movie was made of this) because (so they say) they wanted to research what would happen when untreated. Of course death happened and the excuse for this was claimed all were sick from something else and were going to die any way. You can do your own research on this. I just happened to come across this because I have been sick for 32 yrs of my life (I'm 62) and I found that in the neighborhood I lived in military was doing nuclear testing on people who were unaware of this. I have two friends who are also sick and we all lived in the projects in ST. Louis, Mo. I had figured we were exposed to bug spray or something because we all have the same symptons. Then I found out about the testing. My sister has a friend who can remember when airplanes would fly over and release something over the city. This the military was to see if they could hide a city. Now I think whatever it was they used is what has made us sick. I could go on and on but I think I answered your question. It was In the late 60's or early70's when aids came about. They even tried to blame it on the Viatamese at the time of the Vietnam War. Go to... or you can put in....The real hidden truth about how aids was born

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

when did start HIV/aids in the world/ Ethiopia as epidemic

when did start HIV/aids in the world/ Ethiopia as epidemic?

Infectious Diseases - 4 Answers
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Well my brother Dave claims it was a aquintance of his, A airline baggage superintendent who flew all over the world
2 :
Officially, the epidemic begain in 1981.
3 :
The seventies in Africa.
4 :
Studies of old blood specimens have shown that people died of HIV as far back as the late 1950s. At the time, the disease was not identified as the cause. In 1981, when US homosexuals were infected in large numbers, the epidemic officially began. Once doctors knew what they were dealing with, they were able to identify HIV in cases across the world including Africa, Europe, and Asia.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

What are the odds of getting HIV/AIDS in a fist fight

What are the odds of getting HIV/AIDS in a fist fight?
what are the chances of getting Aids from a fist fight with a hiv infected person?
STDs - 5 Answers
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1 :
Chances are .0 - .05% NOTE: That .05% is only you have intercourse while having a "fist fight". Regards, Lazzagne
2 :
If there is blood involved then there is a chance. If the other persons blood gets in contact with a cut on your body then there is a possibility. Get tested.
3 :
well.. im a registered cpr,first aid instructor.. and if any blood enters a mucus membrane there is a large chance of getting HIV from this. IF his/her blood entered your eyes/mouth/nose or any cuts.. you could quite possible get HIV
4 :
Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry low. Unless you both had cuts and his blood some how got into yours? Not likely.
5 :
Well someone has to have HIV for there to be any risk. There have been NO recorded cases of a HIV infected boxer infecting an opponent. There is blood split during a fight and open cuts at times, so there is a theoretical risk it could happen, but its not easy to get HIV in this way.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

What are the probabilities of a person catching HIV/AIDS, statistically

What are the probabilities of a person catching HIV/AIDS, statistically?
I mean like, 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 25,000? The web has too many generic figures! Post your info please.
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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I don hav figures but I no that infectivity with HIV is very low. It's only lack of sure cure that people r so much afraid of it.
2 :
According to estimates from the UNAIDS/WHO AIDS Epidemic Update (November 2006), around 37.2 million adults and 2.3 million children were living with HIV at the end of 2006. That's 39.5 million people total who are HIV+. There are about 6.1 billion people on the planet. (39.5*10^6) / (6.1*10^9) = 6.475*10^-3 that's a worldwide prevalence of 6.475 people per thousand or about 0.65 percent of the population. So what are the chances off a person being HIV+ it's a little more than half a percent. HOWEVER That assumes all people are equally at risk of contracting HIV. While all people are at risk of contracting HIV, some people are MORE at risk than others. For example, a monogamous lesbian who does not use any injectable drugs and has never had a blood transfusion nor accepted any donor sperm is far LESS likely to get HIV than a male steroid-injecting bodybuilder who receives anal penetration from multiple anonymous male partners who don't use condoms. Some activities are riskier than others. To quantify risk would involve a whole lot of multivariate analyses. You could try to read a lot of journal publications on the matter, but that's a lot of work. So is there a raw number that I could give you? Not without a whole lotta work involved.
3 :
If your a non-drug user that doesn't engage in sex or have surgery then your odds are pretty much zero. If on the other hand your a crack head that shoot up with any needle you find and engage in unprotected sex in exchange for drugs and live in Southern Africa - I would say closer to 90% chance you'll be infected within 5 years. Your question isn't really of any value to you. Everyones probability of getting aids/hiv varies based on their lifestyle. A blanket number for all of humanity would over estimate the probability of some people and under estimate the probability for others. So if you want a meaning full answer you should provide some relevant details about yourself... Are you Male or Female... Females are more likely than males to get it if both are hetrosexual. If your male are you gay or straight. Are you married or in a long-term committed relationship do you practice any type of safe sex like condoms do you use drugs do you have any type of medical condition that requires blood transfusions. What country do you live in Those are just a few of the questions you have to have answer to before you could even begin to give someone the odds they would get aids/hiv.
4 :
The probability depends on whether you engage in activities that might expose you to HIV. That's why there are so many different figures. If you are not sexually active, do not inject yourself with needles, do not suffer a needlestick, and are not otherwise exposed to body fluids, the probability is close to 0%!

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

who would i contact when proposing a change or reform in the way we test for HIV/AIDS

who would i contact when proposing a change or reform in the way we test for HIV/AIDS?
i am writing a paper about HIV testing and need to have a specific audience but i cant find who creates/ passes laws about HIV/AIDS in mass or in general. please help thanks
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
In the US, laws are passed by the Congress. To change the law you would write to your Senator or Congressmen. The FDA and CDC pass regulations regarding AIDS.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why do whores sell their body when they know they are gonna get STD's and HIV/AIDS

Why do whores sell their body when they know they are gonna get STD's and HIV/AIDS?
I want to know b/c women/men should be smart enough to not do that. If you are one of those ppl plz let me know. I just want to know b/c unless you don't have a brain, you should know better than to do that.
STDs - 8 Answers
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it is a sin
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it's a fairly common thing called desperation. whether they are desperate to feed their kids or desperate to feed their drug addiction, it pretty much comes down to that one thing.
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4 :
Drugs. Money that they can't earn through white-collared jobs.Lack of education. Sex. The logic you provide is only valid if people live in a world where everything is accounted for, and everyone receives a fair share of services and income. Which doesn't exist, and never will.
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6 :
Many people who work in the sex trade protect themselves, but some might not due to drugs, mental illness or out of simple desperation for basic needs like food and shelter, and to provide this for their children. You sound spoiled, shallow and insufferable.
7 :
I would say that they were abused as a child and have issues with sex. Most porn stars have the same issue. They see no other way to get what they want plus being addicted to drugs is another major factor. Drugs, low self esteem and of course stupidity.
8 :
Please don't judge people. Some prostitutes were unfortunately dragged into it as children. Some really need the money. And some, mostly in countries where it's legal, ENJOY it. I've been to some of these countries, and I've met these people. Most STD's can be avoided by demanding that their partners/customers use condoms. Most prostitutes in countries where it's legal work in brothels where condoms are mandatory, STD testing is several times a year, and most of them are free of STD's. And before you ask, no, I am not, and have never been, a prostitute. But let's fight the real problem here. The problem isn't prostitution - the problem is underground networks of what amounts to paid rape, which is what we have in the US where it's illegal and unregulated.

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why is there a higher frequency of HIV/AIDS in homosexuals

Why is there a higher frequency of HIV/AIDS in homosexuals?
Okay, I'm sorry. Gay men. But even heterosexuals have anal sex, which is shown to increase your chances of spreading disease.
STDs - 2 Answers
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There isn't. There is a higher rate in gay men because the way they have sex spreads the virus more easily. Lesbians, on the other hand, have a lower incidence of HIV.
2 :
They are of higher frequency because most of them have no steady partner. They are engaged in multiple sexual partnership and may not be contended in just one. Once they found more handsome and macho man, they will leave their present partner and be with the new one until they have found a new and younger one. Another reason is the way they practice sexual acts which more vulnerable to transmission of infected bodily fluids. That's only an observation.

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