Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I was wondering if when you are admitted to the ICU and blood is taken, do they always test it for HIV/AIDS

I was wondering if when you are admitted to the ICU and blood is taken, do they always test it for HIV/AIDS?
I was recently in a car accident, admitted to ICU and my blood was tested for drugs and alcohol. I have heard that whenever blood is taken at a hospital that they are required to test it for all variations of Hepititis and HIV/AIDS. I was wondering if this is true and if the hospital is required to inform you if you test positive for any of the above.
STDs - 7 Answers
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1 :
They may do a Hepatitis panel if they suspect if the condition is present based on lab findings such as your liver enzymes. HIV testing still requires written permission. No health care agency can perform HIV testing without written consent.
2 :
they cant test for aids without signed consent form from patient,so no,they dont routinely test.
3 :
No that is not true. Hospitals have to inform you if they are going to test you for communicable diseases like Hepatitis or HIV/AIDS...most states require your consent for these tests unless a hospital employee was exposed to your blood or body fluids (i.e.: got stuck with a needle used on you or your blood got splashed in their eye, etc...). If they did test you for these...which I doubt...They are obligated to give you the results. It is standard for hospitals to test your drug & alchohol levels if you are involved in a car accident. It's called a toxicology screen.
4 :
yes, all blood is checked for i think all std's. if they find you have one of these you would definetely be informed
5 :
No that is not true. In most cases, you have to give written premission ( usually sign a paper of some sort) to allow your blood to be tested for HIV/AIDS. And if they find something they should let you know so that you can seek treatment. Talk to the ER Dr that admitted you. Good Luck!!!!
6 :
Call your hospital and find out what their requirement is on testing for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis in the emergency room. When I was admitted to the emergency room, my blood was tested for HIV and I wasn't ever asked unless it was included in the papers they had me sign when I was admitted.
7 :
no only if it´s necesary for clinical suspicion of aids, i mean clinical manifestation of aids

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

when did start HIV/aids in the world/ Ethiopia as epidemic

when did start HIV/aids in the world/ Ethiopia as epidemic?

Infectious Diseases - 5 Answers
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1 :
it started because of lack of education to the third world countries about sexual transmitted disceases and contreception. Many leaders would tell their country that to cure HIV/AIDS, they just had to have sex with a virgin. Lack of resources and education really... Sorry If that didnt answer your question - I just guessed that this is what you meant...
2 :
I was in High school,when I heard about the first A.I.D,S cases.At first it was gay men and intravenus drug users who were getting it,so we were not concerned about it.It was around 1981 or 1982 when the first cases were I ever heard about.I think it started much earlier,but it was the early 80s when people started hearing about it.
3 :
According to my knowledge, it started back in Africa when soldiers started having physical intercourse with the apes in dense forests out there. Secondly,facts have been proven that HIV/AIDS had first emerged in apes
4 :
I think it was around 1982 ...and the 1st person on whom the virus was found was a woman called Belaynesh...
5 :
I was just reading about this the other day on the internet and it did not start from having sex with monkeys. Actually aids is a man made disease (THIS IS TRUE). The military is behind this. It was supposed to be used as a defense mechanism. I hope I remember and describe what I read correctly. They were looking for something that humans had no immunity from. Something was taken from the monkeys kidney to help develope aids. Just as the Nazis wanted to be rid of Jews and the KuKlux Clan wanted to be rid of the black population, the man made aids virus was first tested in Africa on the African people. And then here in the states. There were those who wanted to be rid of gays and lesbians, so the virus was tested on volunteers of gay and lesbians. Of course they didn't know what they were being injected with. So here in America it became know as the homosexual disease because they were the first to have it. The same thing was done years back when they developed a cure for syphallis. A community of black people had syphillis and the medicine was withheld from them (a movie was made of this) because (so they say) they wanted to research what would happen when untreated. Of course death happened and the excuse for this was claimed all were sick from something else and were going to die any way. You can do your own research on this. I just happened to come across this because I have been sick for 32 yrs of my life (I'm 62) and I found that in the neighborhood I lived in military was doing nuclear testing on people who were unaware of this. I have two friends who are also sick and we all lived in the projects in ST. Louis, Mo. I had figured we were exposed to bug spray or something because we all have the same symptons. Then I found out about the testing. My sister has a friend who can remember when airplanes would fly over and release something over the city. This the military was to see if they could hide a city. Now I think whatever it was they used is what has made us sick. I could go on and on but I think I answered your question. It was In the late 60's or early70's when aids came about. They even tried to blame it on the Viatamese at the time of the Vietnam War. Go to... or you can put in....The real hidden truth about how aids was born

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

when did start HIV/aids in the world/ Ethiopia as epidemic

when did start HIV/aids in the world/ Ethiopia as epidemic?

Infectious Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
Well my brother Dave claims it was a aquintance of his, A airline baggage superintendent who flew all over the world
2 :
Officially, the epidemic begain in 1981.
3 :
The seventies in Africa.
4 :
Studies of old blood specimens have shown that people died of HIV as far back as the late 1950s. At the time, the disease was not identified as the cause. In 1981, when US homosexuals were infected in large numbers, the epidemic officially began. Once doctors knew what they were dealing with, they were able to identify HIV in cases across the world including Africa, Europe, and Asia.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

What are the odds of getting HIV/AIDS in a fist fight

What are the odds of getting HIV/AIDS in a fist fight?
what are the chances of getting Aids from a fist fight with a hiv infected person?
STDs - 5 Answers
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1 :
Chances are .0 - .05% NOTE: That .05% is only you have intercourse while having a "fist fight". Regards, Lazzagne
2 :
If there is blood involved then there is a chance. If the other persons blood gets in contact with a cut on your body then there is a possibility. Get tested.
3 :
well.. im a registered cpr,first aid instructor.. and if any blood enters a mucus membrane there is a large chance of getting HIV from this. IF his/her blood entered your eyes/mouth/nose or any cuts.. you could quite possible get HIV
4 :
Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry low. Unless you both had cuts and his blood some how got into yours? Not likely.
5 :
Well someone has to have HIV for there to be any risk. There have been NO recorded cases of a HIV infected boxer infecting an opponent. There is blood split during a fight and open cuts at times, so there is a theoretical risk it could happen, but its not easy to get HIV in this way.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

What are the probabilities of a person catching HIV/AIDS, statistically

What are the probabilities of a person catching HIV/AIDS, statistically?
I mean like, 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 25,000? The web has too many generic figures! Post your info please.
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
I don hav figures but I no that infectivity with HIV is very low. It's only lack of sure cure that people r so much afraid of it.
2 :
According to estimates from the UNAIDS/WHO AIDS Epidemic Update (November 2006), around 37.2 million adults and 2.3 million children were living with HIV at the end of 2006. That's 39.5 million people total who are HIV+. There are about 6.1 billion people on the planet. (39.5*10^6) / (6.1*10^9) = 6.475*10^-3 that's a worldwide prevalence of 6.475 people per thousand or about 0.65 percent of the population. So what are the chances off a person being HIV+ it's a little more than half a percent. HOWEVER That assumes all people are equally at risk of contracting HIV. While all people are at risk of contracting HIV, some people are MORE at risk than others. For example, a monogamous lesbian who does not use any injectable drugs and has never had a blood transfusion nor accepted any donor sperm is far LESS likely to get HIV than a male steroid-injecting bodybuilder who receives anal penetration from multiple anonymous male partners who don't use condoms. Some activities are riskier than others. To quantify risk would involve a whole lot of multivariate analyses. You could try to read a lot of journal publications on the matter, but that's a lot of work. So is there a raw number that I could give you? Not without a whole lotta work involved.
3 :
If your a non-drug user that doesn't engage in sex or have surgery then your odds are pretty much zero. If on the other hand your a crack head that shoot up with any needle you find and engage in unprotected sex in exchange for drugs and live in Southern Africa - I would say closer to 90% chance you'll be infected within 5 years. Your question isn't really of any value to you. Everyones probability of getting aids/hiv varies based on their lifestyle. A blanket number for all of humanity would over estimate the probability of some people and under estimate the probability for others. So if you want a meaning full answer you should provide some relevant details about yourself... Are you Male or Female... Females are more likely than males to get it if both are hetrosexual. If your male are you gay or straight. Are you married or in a long-term committed relationship do you practice any type of safe sex like condoms do you use drugs do you have any type of medical condition that requires blood transfusions. What country do you live in Those are just a few of the questions you have to have answer to before you could even begin to give someone the odds they would get aids/hiv.
4 :
The probability depends on whether you engage in activities that might expose you to HIV. That's why there are so many different figures. If you are not sexually active, do not inject yourself with needles, do not suffer a needlestick, and are not otherwise exposed to body fluids, the probability is close to 0%!

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

who would i contact when proposing a change or reform in the way we test for HIV/AIDS

who would i contact when proposing a change or reform in the way we test for HIV/AIDS?
i am writing a paper about HIV testing and need to have a specific audience but i cant find who creates/ passes laws about HIV/AIDS in mass or in general. please help thanks
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
In the US, laws are passed by the Congress. To change the law you would write to your Senator or Congressmen. The FDA and CDC pass regulations regarding AIDS.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why do whores sell their body when they know they are gonna get STD's and HIV/AIDS

Why do whores sell their body when they know they are gonna get STD's and HIV/AIDS?
I want to know b/c women/men should be smart enough to not do that. If you are one of those ppl plz let me know. I just want to know b/c unless you don't have a brain, you should know better than to do that.
STDs - 8 Answers
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1 :
it is a sin
2 :
it's a fairly common thing called desperation. whether they are desperate to feed their kids or desperate to feed their drug addiction, it pretty much comes down to that one thing.
3 :
4 :
Drugs. Money that they can't earn through white-collared jobs.Lack of education. Sex. The logic you provide is only valid if people live in a world where everything is accounted for, and everyone receives a fair share of services and income. Which doesn't exist, and never will.
5 :
6 :
Many people who work in the sex trade protect themselves, but some might not due to drugs, mental illness or out of simple desperation for basic needs like food and shelter, and to provide this for their children. You sound spoiled, shallow and insufferable.
7 :
I would say that they were abused as a child and have issues with sex. Most porn stars have the same issue. They see no other way to get what they want plus being addicted to drugs is another major factor. Drugs, low self esteem and of course stupidity.
8 :
Please don't judge people. Some prostitutes were unfortunately dragged into it as children. Some really need the money. And some, mostly in countries where it's legal, ENJOY it. I've been to some of these countries, and I've met these people. Most STD's can be avoided by demanding that their partners/customers use condoms. Most prostitutes in countries where it's legal work in brothels where condoms are mandatory, STD testing is several times a year, and most of them are free of STD's. And before you ask, no, I am not, and have never been, a prostitute. But let's fight the real problem here. The problem isn't prostitution - the problem is underground networks of what amounts to paid rape, which is what we have in the US where it's illegal and unregulated.

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why is there a higher frequency of HIV/AIDS in homosexuals

Why is there a higher frequency of HIV/AIDS in homosexuals?
Okay, I'm sorry. Gay men. But even heterosexuals have anal sex, which is shown to increase your chances of spreading disease.
STDs - 2 Answers
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1 :
There isn't. There is a higher rate in gay men because the way they have sex spreads the virus more easily. Lesbians, on the other hand, have a lower incidence of HIV.
2 :
They are of higher frequency because most of them have no steady partner. They are engaged in multiple sexual partnership and may not be contended in just one. Once they found more handsome and macho man, they will leave their present partner and be with the new one until they have found a new and younger one. Another reason is the way they practice sexual acts which more vulnerable to transmission of infected bodily fluids. That's only an observation.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Do you think its good that companies are using their products to help HIV/AIDS victims

Do you think its good that companies are using their products to help HIV/AIDS victims?
...I was thinking that its a bad idea. YOU give them the pills, and they go around living longer and having more unprotected sex spreading the virus. I think its mean, to want them to die..but isn't that the best option?
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
well i dont think all of them are having unprotected sex some might but not all but most ppl should be compastionate n like wear condoms
2 :
NO! If you could only imagine yourself in someones shoes who suffers from this disease. It can be caused by one mistake, and you can never take it back. I am hopeful that people that KNOW they have it will tell their partner. But to have them just die because of a mistake is horrible. Most people do not know they have AIDS that is why getting tested is important. I just got tested a few months ago and was scared as all hell....cuz it just takes one time, and condoms arent 100% effective. But NO, they need meds and deserve to live as long as possible. :)
3 :
No I dont think so there are babies w/ hiv they are not spreading it & children & ppl w/ blood transfusions no I think its good comp. are doing community service work & not just keeping the profits Think of iot this way u went to hospital got a blood transfusion & caught the virus would u spread it? would u want help You are talking about a small irresponcible percentage~ I think u need some education hope this gave u some

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why do uncircumcised people have higher chance of obtaining HIV/AIDS

Why do uncircumcised people have higher chance of obtaining HIV/AIDS?
Don't state explain the answer.
STDs - 6 Answers
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1 :
they dont
2 :
This theory is not proven as this may be true for some STD's but not HIV, vice versa. However in theory when you are uncircumcised you have more skin surrounding the head of the penis which creates a reservoir for fluids like vaginal fluid or blood. (Did I just use the word reservoir to describe foreskin? LOL yes I did) if the foreskin tears during sex, it creates a gateway for fluids to fluid transmission if unprotected. Hope that makes sense
3 :
I always thought it was the fact the uncircumcised people whose skin is sensitive and more permeable than those that are circumsized at birth and have built up thicker skin over the years from friction.
4 :
? They don't. I'm going off of research and scientific evidence. MANY studies have proven the "circumcision prevents HIV" theory to be false. Circumcision has nothing to do with HIV/AIDS (or STDs, for that matter).
5 :
They don't. And there is no evidence that they do. The original assertion was made in 1986 was made when AIDS was thought to be a Gay Plague = since disproved. The infamous research in Africa was terminated before Final Report because 23% of the circumcised boys turned up with STDs. And the U S A with highest circumcision rates in Western World has highest HIV+ So to answer your question = they don't. +
6 :
Mike they don't If you have unprotected sex with a infected person circumcised or not you are at risk for getting infected with ANY std. anyone that does not know the sexual history of thier partner should protect themselves. curtdude uncutdude

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

WHY should a Christian die of HIV/AIDS, if our cure has been provided in the cross for us

WHY should a Christian die of HIV/AIDS, if our cure has been provided in the cross for us?
By your stripes we are healed...ISAIAS.
Religion & Spirituality - 13 Answers
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1 :
Because religion is the least effective cure for anything.
2 :
God's will dictates what needs to happen, we can pray for healing but ultimately God's righteous will, will rule the day
3 :
Spiritually healed, not physically. His death has nothing to do with our life or suffering on Earth...only after.
4 :
Quit drinking paint. Nobody should die of AIDS. Yet religion teaches abstinence in Africa to curb it.. See how well that is working?
5 :
The Apostle Paul suffered much in his life and ministry. A litany of that suffering can be found in 2 Corinthians 11:23-27. Paul was killed for his testimony and according to universal tradition was decapitated after a long imprisonment. However, during this time, he wrote this testimony to Timothy: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing" (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Another purpose for suffering is to be a witness to those watching that God's grace and strength is sufficient to enable a believer to stand in that suffering (2 Corinthians 12:9). Paul also gives us an example as to how we should view suffering as a child of God. "But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). And Paul also said, "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Therefore, however a believer dies, in suffering or in relative peace, it is but a transition to "face to face" with the LORD. Once that transition has been made, all of the sorrow and pain of the suffering will end. "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4). The Wonder of Heaven: A Biblical Tour of Our Eternal Home By: Ron Rhodes
6 :
What kind of glue are you getting into?
7 :
Because they ask amiss. Remember what you allow yourself to think, see, hear, say and do literally set into motion God’s creative powers that form the matrix of life’s reality you find yourself now walking so be circumspect. TGM Moderator
8 :
A person who gets AIDS did it by not living a Christian lifestyle. God is not going to reward you with being cured when you are ungodly.
9 :
Our diseases are not universally healed genius. They can be healed thru prayer but we are universally saved by his stripes of the condemnation of death. Death and its power is a shadow to a christian. Why are atheists able to read words but not understand a single syllable? God Bless
10 :
What are you talking about? no TRUE christian would die of HIV/AIDS lol /endsarcasm
11 :
Why should Christians die of anything but old age, one may ask? The cross is for Christians' souls, not for any disease or accident the world may bring. You are, I think, confusing spiritual salvation with earthly comfort. I'm afraid we are all the same regarding the latter. C.
12 :
Our cure for SIN has been provided in the cross, not our cure for physical discomfort or sickness or distress or persecutions or trials or testings. In fact, we are told expressly that we WILL suffer in this life as disciples of Christ. Jhn 16:33 These things I Jesus) have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. - (this was said to believers)
13 :
"By your stripes we are healed" is speaking of salvation of the soul. Cures don't come from the cross. Don't forget, Christ cured many people before he was crucified.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Which areas of the world are likely to show an increase in hiv/aids cases in the future

Which areas of the world are likely to show an increase in hiv/aids cases in the future?
Any reasons for this trend?
STDs - 4 Answers
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1 :
All areas of the world are likely to show an increase in HIV/AIDS. There will be a higher increase in HIV/AIDS in developing countries that have lower education on HIV/AIDS and in countries that have more higher risk groups for HIV/AIDS. Countries that have more prostitutes and lower condom use will see a significant increase compared to other countries. My prediction is that in about 10 years time the Philippines is going to make headline news, due to an explosion of HIV/AIDS, like Thailand did a few years back. This will be due to their ignorance about HIV transmission, large number of working prostitutes, and low condom use.
2 :
3 :
Well the United States is already showing some increase, partly I believe due to the next generation and their desensitization of HIV. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "Well Magic got it and he's still alive. I'll just take pills for it and it's fine". Outside the United States it is the areas that have the highest rates of poverty. Condom use and prostitution are not just isolated things to fix. If a person doesn't have anything to eat and they need to sell their body to obtain money and the person is willing to pay more to not use a condom, the person is clearly going to not use a condom. There are two important things to remember when talking about safer sex. (1) Are all the person's basic necessities met? I can talk to someone about the importance of condoms but if they're starving my education means crap to them. I sometimes ask people if they've ever not eaten for a day and how their mood and behavior changes. We can't spend our resources on just isolated education without understanding the larger dynamic. The other important factor is (2) an individuals self worth. If I don't care anything about myself why would I use a condom? What would be the point? If we help the economic disaster some of these countries are in and give people productive activity that earns them income, then we can raise a person's self worth.
4 :
The United States of America. The encouragement to all from the youngest to the eldest of the citizenry is to be or become “sexy” and to become and enjoy being sexually active. There is now a plethora of drugs and apparatuses to enable sexual activity and to increase the enjoyment to the participants. Instead of promoting exercise to hopefully better one’s health, exercise is used to encourage shaping the body so that the individual can look and feel “sexy”. Although everyone that’s sexually active is being warned and encouraged to use prophylactics, male and female, they don’t. They are warned and encouraged to get regularly tested for the HIV and other STDs…they don’t. Because the money to be made is in the selling of the drugs that enable some to not succumb as quickly to the HIV, too many are being duped into believing that “living with the HIV/AIDS” is the solution rather than continuing to focus on finding a cure.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

is the hiv aids infection spreaded by kissing the partner already infected with the virus

is the hiv aids infection spreaded by kissing the partner already infected with the virus?
STDs - 1 Answers
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1 :
first of all there are small amount of the virus in the saliva but you can only spread the virus if you and your partner have open wounds in your mouth and or are bleeding when you kiss other than that you too should be safe when kissing

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I have heard that the Chinese Army is seriously debilitated by HIV/AIDS. Is there any good info on this

I have heard that the Chinese Army is seriously debilitated by HIV/AIDS. Is there any good info on this?
How many able-bodied, healthy troopers are available? Anywhere near the 200 million required by the Apocolyptic fearers?
Military - 4 Answers
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1 :
AIDS is huge and growing problem in China. They barley acknowledge that the disease exists there at all. Treatment is almost non existent in China.... goat horn might put lead in your pencil in the mythical world of herbal medicine, but in the real world of medicine, it takes genuine, expensive drugs to treat the condition.
2 :
The other day, I heard some caller to a radio talk claim that the HIV/AIDs rate in China was 90% -- obviously ridiculous. I found one estimate of 650,000 cases:
3 :
have you been watching Foxnews again , you silly boy.
4 :
Considering the huge disparity between the number of men and women in China (through government policy) most of the men in the military probably have very little chance of getting themselves a woman. So it comes down to a few choices; no sex, homosexuality, sex through conquest (an asian tradition), or have sex reassignment surgery for some of the men. Which choice do you like? Of course the Chinese could cure Aids the same way they cure drug addiction; they put them against the wall and shoot them. Next the sell the fresh organs to rich Americans for transplants.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

What's the percentage of having STD/HIV/AIDS in just 2 sexual encounters

What's the percentage of having STD/HIV/AIDS in just 2 sexual encounters?
Not sure if he has it so I ask him to used condom but we had oral sex. Is it still possible to have it even if neither of us have no sores in the mouth?
STDs - 7 Answers
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1 :
yes. just because you can't see or feel it, you could still have an open wound in your mouth.
2 :
2 unprotected encounters and i found myself with a minor STD! it's always best to play it safe, unless you fully trust the person you're sleeping with.
3 :
If it was an infected partner, could be 100%
4 :
If your only exposure was oral, then your risk is very low. Risk of contracting HIV from a single episode of oral sex is estimated around 1 in 10000. This is true, if your partner was infected, which is very unlikely as most people do not have HIV specially in north america... So to summarize, it is extremely unlikely that you contracted HIV from this 2 episoded (the risk would be around 1 in 5000). For other STDs, there is a low risk BUT oral sex is not a very efficient way to transmit STD, so the risk is low there (it is not zero though). Go get tested for HIV around 6-8 weeks after your last exposure and then confirm it with a 3 months conclusive test. expect a negative result. For other STDs, ask your healthcare provider for the window period and when you should get tested.
5 :
It is possible for you to get an STD from only one exposure. Many STDs do not have symptoms, but can be transmitted even without symptoms, so you can not assume that "no symptoms" means "no STDs".
6 :
If you had oral, the risk is VERY low. And unprotected oral really isn't a big deal, especially if your mouth is clean. I had a client, young, had sex 2 times with the same person and got a STD, when we tested we also tested for HIV and my client was HIV+ as well and only 16. The partner, a older man, friend of the family didn't even know he was HIV+.
7 :
0 only get AIDS off a toilet seat....

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Are there attractive men who go around spreading hiv/aids to women on purpose

Are there attractive men who go around spreading hiv/aids to women on purpose?
I mean, the fact that he is attractive means that he has plenty of women willing to sleep with him. And what about strippers(I mean, some pretty nasty stuff goes on at hen parties)
STDs - 4 Answers
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1 :
There have been cases of guys who have been arrested for contaminating hundreds of women with the AIDs virus, when they knew they were HIV positive. They weren't all that attractive, either.
2 :
yea... i knew a guy back in the day.. he told me had aids.. and that he was gonna sleep with everyone he could.. because he didnt think it was fair he had to suffer alone.. i bet that guy ended up ruining a lot of lives..
3 :
I recently reviewed a case in New Jersey where a young African American was sleeping with underaged high school girls and giving them HIV knowing he had the virus he spread the virus to hundreds of girls, He is currently on trial. As far as strippers here in America I can honestly say most of the ones ive met really dont sleep with their clients.
4 :
i don't think that they do it on purpose. i just think that they don't know tey have it and go sleep around with everyone and gives it to everyone.

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Do you think that there should be a cure for HIV/AIDS

Do you think that there should be a cure for HIV/AIDS?
Do you think that with todays technology and medical advancements, that we have come far enough to have developed a cure for HIV/AIDS if we had wanted to? If we had worked hard towards it?
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
Well, it would be great to find a cure. But just like cancer, it's very complicated and can only be treated.
2 :
Of course not. Do you really think that the thousands of scientist trying vigorously and tirelessly to combat this horrible virus aren't trying as hard as they can to do so? Viruses are much harder to treat than lets say diseases caused by bacteria.
3 :
people with AIDS/HIV kind of deserve it... they shouldnt be engauging in unprotected sex, and risky behivior
4 :
there is a cure. its just not open to the general public. its only for the extremely rich and powerful. population control

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Can someone break down for me in laymen terms how the HIV/AIDS T-cell counts works

Can someone break down for me in laymen terms how the HIV/AIDS T-cell counts works?
I have friend who is newly diagnosed and trying to support them with doctors' appointments. She is getting her t-cell counts but can't make heads or tails of it.
Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
It is just a count of the number of CD4+ T-cells per cubic mm of circulating blood. CD4+ are the type of white blood cell that HIV infects and kills, and they are also the type that is a crucial link in immune response against viral infections (with viral infections, the CD4+'s job is to alert the killer T-cells, called CD8+, to the presence of infected cells). In addition, CD4+ help in the direct killing of bacterial and fungal infections. Therefore, poor CD4+ counts make it increasingly difficult for the body to fight off infections that people with normal immune systems would essentially never get (these infections are called AIDS-defining illnesses) and low counts also make it difficult (in fact, probably impossible) for the body to get rid of HIV. What makes HIV an unusual virus is that it specifically targets a link in the immune system. Generally the definition of AIDS involves a CD4+ count of less than 200 cells/mm3 alone or in combination with an AIDS-defining illness (thrush, PCP pneumonia, Cryptococcal pneumonia, Kaposis sarcoma are the most well known of these). In Westernized countries, full blown AIDS can usually be warded off indefinitely, though, with good adherence to the prescribed antiviral meds (which are frequently not begun until CD4+ drop below 400/mm3, as far as I know). If your friend can do a good job with her meds, she will likely be fine for a long time and there's a very good chance that she'll live a pretty normal life, actually. Best of luck to you and her.
2 :
HIV kills T cells called CD4 cells, which help us fight infection. Low CD4 cell counts cause people to become vulnerable to all other infections, any of which can kill someone whose immune system is severely damaged. Once the CD4 count drops to 200 or below, diagnosis changes to AIDS. According to a specialist I work with, treatment is usually started when the CD4 count drops to 350 or below. Your friend should ask her doctor to explain her test results so that she can understand them.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

What are four ways HIV/AIDs can be prevented

What are four ways HIV/AIDs can be prevented?
Name four ways HIV/AIDs can be prevented, its for a school project any answers will be greatly appreciated
STDs - 2 Answers
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1 :
I would have thought the following 5 would help (you can narrow it down to 4):- 1) Abstinence 2) Use of condoms 3) Avoiding breast-feeding of infants with HIV +ve mothers 4) Screening blood donors 5) Avoiding unnecessary blood products (and surgical procedures)
2 :
1) Sexual abstinence 2) Using protection (condoms) for sex 3) Checking people before donating blood 4) If a mother has HIV/AIDS she should not breast feed 5) Use clean needles for shots, so blood is not tranferred

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

do you think discrimonation agaisnt people living with HIV/AIDS should be addressed as a human rights issue

do you think discrimonation agaisnt people living with HIV/AIDS should be addressed as a human rights issue?
this has come as a concern that employers continue to use HIV as a precondition for hiring staff in the military,the police,banks and some families test their maids,churches are also discriminating HIV-positive people demanding for screening before wedding this really right?
Law & Ethics - 4 Answers
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1 :
Yes. There are positions that you would not want someone with HIV/AIDS in for health reasons.
2 :
i don't think it.. it is humiliating for them... i mean to go to some crountries (the USA, Russia, China...) for visa purpose you have to give a HIV test... it's unfair... but i understand that some people are afraid about having a doctor with this desease... so i don't know... but i know that saying yes to this answer without any distinction show the stupidity of the guys
3 :
I believe this is an act of discrimination. It would be the same as if you would discrimate against a person who has handicaps or a race or religion. I don't think this is a right to do so. It's disgusting.
4 :
well then all forms of discrimination are human rights issues..which basically i feel they are. it matters not if its health, race, sex or any other matter... it's still discrimination so why single HIV/AIDS out alone? Just a side note here... many countries force couples to have blood test for many things (not just HIV) before they marry as their are recessive gene disorders and countries screen in order to prevent a possible future burden on the health system. If they found someone had cancer they wouldn't let them in the country either. It's all down to dollars and biggitory I'm sad to say. Many people don't seem to care until it's in their own house I'm afraid at least that's how I see it.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How long will it take for a person to develop HIV/ AIDS after they have been infected

How long will it take for a person to develop HIV/ AIDS after they have been infected?

Infectious Diseases - 5 Answers
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1 :
Sorry to say, but it can take many years, up to 10
2 :
Yeah, I agree with the other person up there. You're first infected with HIV [always. no question. =_=], which is when your immune system totally collapses. Since your immune system is practically useless after that, ANY kind of sickness you contract thereafter is considered fatal, because you have no immune system to counteract it. Yup, that's AIDS - even if you get something as simple as a cold, you can die from it. So really, it's only a matter of time. You can't say how long it's going to be - sorry about that ><
3 :
I worked in an AIDS/HIV facility. Many of my clients had it for 20 yrs. By that time they looked like death warmed over. Very tragic to see these once beautiful faces all sunken and wasting away. What a horrible disease.
4 :
usually after infection it can take 3-6 months before HIV antibodies will show up on a serology blood test. As for symptoms, you may have HIV for years and not know it. If HIV turns into full blown AIDS then there are many symptoms. A person with HIV doesnt necessarily end up with AIDS or can live with HIV for a long time before it can turn into AIDS. If you think you are at risk, request a HIV serology (blood) test 3 months after you think you were infected and then 6 months from initial supposed infection. HIV is extremely hard to contract just too put your mind at ease. If HIV is caught early it can be managed and you can live a normal life within reason and limits (obviously dont share drugs, share razors or have unprotected sex) I have also worked with HIV/AIDS patients. It breaks your heart. You also must realise that there is alot of misunderstandings about the disease. It is not necessarily a death sentence in the 21st century. In the 80's it was, but not now! hope that answered your question.
5 :
it is very hard to tell how long it will take. with every person it is different. i myself have been HIV PPS. for twenty years. my late wife passed away twelve years ago. my viral load is below 50. my CD4 is 787. i believe stay fit . talk to your doctor about any concerns.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

What do you think about individuals with HIV/AIDS who try to justify being sexually active

What do you think about individuals with HIV/AIDS who try to justify being sexually active?
I hear it time and again..."Its part of my 'quality of life' and I have the right to have sex if I use precautions." I think these 'precautions' they are reffering to are not always fool proof and they are putting people at risk. It just seems to me like having sex for your 'quality of life' should be the last thing on your mind when you are dealing with something that is going to kill you and possibly kill other people! Isn't it saving a lot of grief and pain if they just jerk off? you have AIDS. Is that what this is all about? If not...then go ahead, have sex with one of your friends for 20-some years and contract it because, oh, whats the harm!! Having AIDS is like having the cold virus, huh? Its people like you who I actually think PROMOTE STD'S. Your a jerk.
STDs - 11 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Well the other person involved is taking the risk by having sex with them in the first place.
3 :
i think if the person they are sexually active with is AWARE of their disease and consents than who are we to criticize?
4 :
As long as they tell people what they have, I am ok with it. I do not think I could do anything, I am not infected. I am assuming they cleared with their doctor. I have a feeling that we will reach the point ( we may already be there) where HIV infected people will be like Herpes infected are today. The virus will be controlled and you will see boards of HIV infected people trying to meet other infected to hook up.
5 :
There are so many people with std's these days, and you see those commercials that a huge percent of people with HIV don't even know they have it. This is so ridiculous that myself, a sexually inactive person has to worry about getting HIV. (I know its harder to get without having sex, but it is possible.) People who don't protect themselves and get tested are getting everyone else. I think it should be mandatory to get tested every couple years otherwise I fear the numbers with std's will be out of control as they are nearing already.
6 :
If they are up front with their soon to be sex partner about their disease, then i think its between both of them honestly
7 :
in my opnion you do not have to make sex from the base befor to make sex you and you freind havt to go to the doctor to check up befor to make sex this is my advice
8 :
Well if thats the case you should also be including those with herpes since it never goes away. I think as long as the person is honest with their partner and they take the right precautions there shouldn't be any cause for alarm.
9 :
HIV/AIDS positive individual can be prosecuted criminally for engaging in sexual activity without the knowledge of their sexual partner. However if someone voluntarily has intercourse with them while knowing beforehand i have nothing to say about that except that is a totally stupid idea. If someone with hiv/aids wants to have sex they probably should find a support group and meet someone their who also has problems and not selfishly coerce innocent individuals into emotional entanglement so they can prey upon them. they should go rub off a batch and try to reflect upon their life and not be so shallow.
10 :
Why shouldn't people with HIV/AIDS be allowed to have sex? As long as they're up front about it and the other person knows the risks and decides to sleep with them, who the hell is to tell them that's wrong? Yes, a large percentage of the people that have AIDS don't know they have it.. but if you're going to sleep with someone with out using protection when you first meet them.. then you're just as bad. You're taking a risk everytime, too. You get what you deserve.
11 :
You Said: "dealing with something that is going to kill you and possibly kill other people!" You might be very mistaken.. ( this does not mean one should not disclose or have unsafe sex). There are a huge # of HIV positives that are not dieing or getting sick from just registering antibodies on a HIV test. These tests do not test for nor detect actual virus of any sort. Please remember that. This is the way it is and always has been. These people who take care of themselves and never consume highly toxic drugs pushed by the AIDS establishment, will have a normal life expectancy. I know more than just a few of these people personally for more than 20 years now! When you couple these facts with the following scientific study that says HIV is NOT SEXUALY TRANSMITTED... one can only make the sensible and logical conclusion that we are not dealing with a virus that causes disease and death! The "Padian Study" was the longest and largest epidemiological study of heterosexual tranmission of HIV (1986-1996); -For 10 years, it followed 175 discordant couples, who had a lotta sex. "Discordant" means for each couple, 1 person was HIV+, and one was not. -After 10 years, the scientists found NO seroconversions. -The couples who used condoms, did not transmit the virus -The couples who failed to use condoms, did not transmit the virus -The couples that exclusively engaged in vaginal intercourse did not transmit the virus; -In fact, 39% of the couple engaged in anal sex -- they too did not transmit the virus. This is the study: Padian NS, Shiboski SC, Glass SO, Vittinghoff E. Heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in northern California: results from a ten-year study. American Journal of Epidemiology 1997;146:350-357. -So, if you're gonna have sex with an HIV+ person, "You're gonna get the virus, get AIDS and die," is a VERY STUPID AND FALSE ASSUMPTION

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Do you think there the cure for HIV/AIDS is being hidden

Do you think there the cure for HIV/AIDS is being hidden?
The medical industry makes billions in revenue from all the treatment they provide to people with the disease and all the doctors and other higher ups get big fat paychecks. A cure would ultimately defeat that purpose, effectively ending their limitless income. That's the theory. Do you agree or disagree with it?
Medicine - 14 Answers
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1 :
i agree the u.s has alot of secrets and its taking all of us into debt well eventually
2 :
It's way more likely the cure for stupidity is being hidden. How could you keep a secret that big hidden? -Also, if a cure was out there, unprotected sex would NOT be an issue and people would have AIDS like they now have Herpes EXCEPT they'd be able to get "fixed" and continue having unprotected sex. They'd actually make more money in giving a cure. I mean, how can you charge someone for medical treatment if they're dead?
3 :
That is SAD!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think so, only because you know 1 or 2 doctors would have a heart.... and could potentially mess up the whole scheme of things... unless only 1 or 2 knew about the cure... but what would be the point of having made the cure?
4 :
YES, for the reasons you just explained.
5 :
That is very interesting indeed. I disagree. I believe if there is a cure for AIDS it won't affect their income. People will still get AIDS and they will still make money curing them with the cure. Once a cure is found for AIDS it will take decades before the strain is depleted.
6 :
Disagree. As you stated, they make quite a lot of money because the treatment is SO expensive (Like 15000$ a year while producing it costs 350$). But being so expensive not many people use it. The cure would still cost a lot of money and would be bought by MUCH more governments and people. And finally there's the ethical factor, I know lots of drug companies lack it, but being the one that discovers the cure of AIDS would gain unending fame and quite an income not to release it for more money.
7 :
I tend to disagree... I think the rationale is there, but I also have confidence in the decency of human nature and professional integrity of medical practitioners. Moreover, I think the same reasoning can be applied to the treatment of any other malady, yet effective remedies and/or innoculations are marketed in those cases -- polio, for example.
8 :
I think there has been a cure for HIV and AIDS for over a decade. But our wonderful government has repressed it. Because of that BILLION dollar figure that you mentioned
9 :
there is no way a drug company is going to silence a cure for anything,period.they are publicly owned and a "cure" for anything makes the stock rise
10 :
a real cure needs allot of scientists working on it. if a cure was found, allot of people would know it. it would be a merely impossible act, to silence all the people. btw: a company with the cure could take anything for it, plus the p.r.-effect would be so immense, that it would be more profitable to release the new drug, than to hide it. i don't think that a cure would be hhidden.
11 :
Interesting. I disagree with this idea, which had been going around a lot recently. As someone else said, how could anyone keep something that big hidden?
12 :
I Agree.The cure has been found, sure it's found in the Amazon Rainforest. Fat paychecks should go to the indigenous people of the Rainforest Tribes.
13 :
Sorry, but that makes little sense. First off, medical breakthroughs are published in publicly available periodicals. Secondly, there are scientists working for multiple countries and many companies trying to find the cure. Only a few companies produce the AIDS treatments, so other companies have a strong competitive reason to try and make money by finding and selling a cure. If you did a little research on how the AIDS virus works, and just how quickly it mutates, you would understand why it is such a difficult virus to stop. We don't even have cures for the Common cold or the Flu, and new strains come out every year. I would gladly pay for a cure, every time I got the Flu or a cold.
14 :
Yes. There was a famous actor that went to France. He was to return for followups but did not. He died. I have had friends in the early years that got it and were dead in 6 months. They have a cure. You have a few million?

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

How does pediatric HIV/AIDS differ from adult HIV/AIDS

How does pediatric HIV/AIDS differ from adult HIV/AIDS?
I believe it manifests differently, but I am having trouble finding information about it.
STDs - 1 Answers
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1 :
U said it manifests different, indeed it is. but in essence, i think they're the same: HIV is a kind of virus which attacks your T cells and make your immuse system workless. i knew a teenager on, he is only 13yrs old, but he just inherited the virus from his mother, but he symptons he has are just the same with his mothers. and does this prove my opinion?

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My daughter has an HIV/AIDS/STD class tomorrow. What can I expect them to talk to her about

My daughter has an HIV/AIDS/STD class tomorrow. What can I expect them to talk to her about?
I did get a note home, but it was very vague. What can I expect them to teach her?
Primary & Secondary Education - 5 Answers
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1 :
just that abstinence is the best way to stay STD free and that you should always use a condom
2 :
Well in my school it involved a speech about different contraceptives/abstinence combined with a graphic PowerPoint with pictures of STDs and info on them.
3 :
Sorry to sound blunt, but what do you think they;re going to talk about? STD's and more specifically HIV and how it can develop into AIDS. I'm sure they will cover safe sexual practices (i.e using diaphragm's and condoms).
4 :
Hopefully , they will say that contact is the way it is transmitted and should be avoided. Also, that people of all lifestyles are apt to contract it as most young heteros (or those who think they are) don't believe they can come into contact with HIV/AIDS. And, yes, if she is taking the class, she knows that it is (or was) spread through gay contact for many years before it jumped to hetero sex about 10 years ago. Sit her down and talk to her when she comes home and don't be embarrassed by what she may tell you. This is sex, not the emotional side of the issue. Think of it as talking about how to avoid the flu or catching a cold. You both will be OK.
5 :
They taught me how HIV/AIDS spread, how it can't spread, what HIV/AIDS is and stands for, that kind of stuff. They didn't talk about STD.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

How many people have you known are infected or affected by HIV/ AIDS

How many people have you known are infected or affected by HIV/ AIDS?
How many people have you known that are infected with HIV/ AIDS or have been affected by the death or disability of someone with HIV/ AIDS
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 4 Answers
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1 :
0 which is kinda impressive to me but it could just be bcuz i'm only 17. haha
2 :
A friend of mine died in 2005 it advanced into full blown Aids,my neighbor that recently moved,he has HIV,and a women i know has it.So 3 that i know of.I was tested and i came back negative,thank goodness.
3 :
I've known zero people who is infected or have been affected with HIV/AIDS.
4 :
one my best friend she is 14

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

is HIV (aids) created between a gay couple ? or it should be transferred from infected source

is HIV (aids) created between a gay couple ? or it should be transferred from infected source ?
if a gay couple are in a sexual realtionship...and they're both not infected and both virus free....will the HIV virus be created between them because its a gay relationship....or should the virus be taken from an infected source (person) ? is this virus even created ?
Infectious Diseases - 11 Answers
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1 :
No, if neither people are infected with the HIV Virus its not going to play circus tricks and they magically get HIV because they are gay. By the way, plenty of straight people have it too.
2 :
I almost don't want to answer this question because of the pure stupidity of it. An infected person has to give it to them, the disease came from monkeys in Africa not gay people. Gay men have it more commonly than most because anal and oral sex are the easiest way to transmit it.
3 :
HIV is not 'created' between a gay is xmt'd only is one or both parties have it and gives it to the other same as in any other 'couple' giving a sexually transmitted disease to another. No one is sure how the disease came about. It is NOT a gay curse.
4 :
wow.. you cant be serious..... so youre saying that two guys who both dont have hiv are just going to "create" the virus becuase they are gay? NOOOOOOOOOOO you can only get hiv from an infected person... and even straigh people can get hiv... if ANYONE who has unprotected sex with sumone and they have hiv chances are they will get it.... the virus isnt "created" it is passed on thorough contact... years ago the virus came about.... (unsure how) and it was passed on through contact.. blood, sexual, etc
5 :
no. if neither have it and they only have sex with each other they wont get would have to be infected for the other to get it... its not a gay thing anymore its everyones thing now. protection protection protection is the thing everyone should use when they dont know if one might have it or not. also theres been a rise in elderly people because there not using protection and thinking they cant get it but the can.. and are because they dont think to protect them selfs. so always remember theres not a piece that i would die for yet.
6 :
No, you can only get it from an infected source. Two uninfected people can't give it to each other. Some people think that HIV was contracted from monkeys to humans in the jungle. But i don't know if that's true.
7 :
no, hiv or aids cannot just infect someone because they are have to be infected by someone who has the infection guy/ not to sure but i dont think they exactly know how hiv or aids came about but the most i heard was someone had sex with a monkey and got the infection and then spread it, but idk how it actually happened
8 :
Its not only gay people that can be infected with HIV Streight people can get it too. HIV is transmitted through unprotected sex with a man or a woman who is infected with the virus. It is a blood born virus which means, for example if a person is bleeding and the wound comes in contact with blood that is hiv infected then the virus can be passed on. Also people can get it through a needle stick injury. Best way to protect yourself ids by wearing a condom and using water based lubricant. Please read the following website
9 :
HIV/Aids is transfered between an infected person to a partner in an exchange of bodily fluids. Here is a Medical WEB site that will answer your questions. Good Luck
10 :
first of all understand that it's not something that is or was created, as you say. Secondly, unlike people, HIV doesn't discriminate. It's a virus that's sexually transmitted through bodily fluids, and whether those fluids are being passed between gay, straight, bi, tri, down-low, up-low, etc., is not something the virus stops and takes the time to figure out. It doesn't care who you are or what your preference is. It doesn't care whether the two of you are in a relationship or not. It doesn't stop to do an assessment or ask questions about sexual history before it decides to attack. HIV just does what it does, which transmits & infects, and ultimately leads to death.
11 :
According to your statement, I learn that you know little about aids or hiv. if you is interested in learning more about it, I suggest that you refer you to which offer you more convenient way to know it.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

what are the chances of getting AIDS/HIV from oral sex

what are the chances of getting AIDS/HIV from oral sex?
I was just wondering what are the chances of getting HIV/AIDS from oral sex? I had oral sex with someone that was HIV postive but i doubt I caught it because I feel healty, but i was wondering what are the chances? please be as detail as you can.
Other - Diseases - 6 Answers
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1 :
wow; you feel healthy? First of all it takes 6 months to show. Second of all people can have it and not know. and then one day, BAM! your dead. idkay? either way get tested!
2 :
GET TESTED! It's not the flu, you wouldn't just start feeling bad. If you have any sores or cuts in your mouth (you can have them and not know it) you can get it.
3 :
its only a program in your mind by the ones that hate you and simply want you depressed instead of living your life in peace, remember there is no death never was and never will be.
4 :
Get tested! There is a high chance you will have it (there is a small chance you don't). It can take years to even feel sick. First off i hope you guys didn't know he had HIV/AIDS before you guys messed around. If he knew about it and didn't tell you he can be charged with a crime!!! Please be responsible and keep your AIDS to your self until you get tested and get the results negative, you don't want to spread that around, it will ruin lives!
5 :
yes you can get it ...go get tested and then later get tested again.. sounds like you need to pick your partners better, because they should have told you before engaging in such stuff before hand...that's very irresponsible of them and you.
6 :
Please go get tested for HIV. You CAN get HIV from oral sex with an infected person. The symptoms do not show for a very long time if you have been infected, so I would suggest getting to a doctor as soon as possible. The chances of getting HIV from oral sex is lesser than that of having intercourse. Also the best way to prevent getting this disease is to use latex condoms, and as for oral sex, use a latex barrier. Best of luck.

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