Thursday, March 12, 2009

Should people who intentionally give others HIV/AIDS be criminally charged

Should people who intentionally give others HIV/AIDS be criminally charged?
I saw an episode of that reality tv show, 50 cent the money and power, and it was about AIDS awareness. Anyway there's this guy talking and he says, " I have AIDS and I have sex, I don't tell anyone that i have it but its my decision." This guy looks like a Football player for real, he was like 6'3'' about 230 lbs. What do you think?
Law & Ethics - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They should definitely be charged.
2 :
Yes they should be, and they are in most (almost all) states.
3 :
It is an offense in some places. In Dallas, Texas, a man with AIDS who intentionally had sex with others without protection in order to spread his disease out of anger was charged with several counts of attempted murder, if I am not mistaken. If that's not the exact charge, then it was something significant. Unfortunately there are people out there who do stuff like that. Therefore, it is also the responsibility of the other person having sex to take reasonable precautions to protect themselves, which should also include being highly picky regarding their choice in partners.
4 :
yes, they should be.
5 :
Yes definitely . Its an attempted murder .

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