Wednesday, March 4, 2009

should we put all the people with HIV/AIDS onto an island away from people

should we put all the people with HIV/AIDS onto an island away from people?
one person was doing his speech on why people should isolate people with viruses such as HIV/AIDS (he used just those 2) to a remote island and let them live their lives there so they wont infect others. obviously this kid is an idiot but i want to see what you guys thought. cheergirl, read the question thuroughly.
Infectious Diseases - 18 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think we should put all of the stupid people on an island away from other people.
2 :
First of all, they tried that with leprosy and it didn't stop people from getting it. It's still around.
3 :
Some people get AIDS from there mothers! That would be cruel! But its not going to stop unless people stop having kids and sleeping around!!
4 :
I agree, the kid's an idiot. Someone needs to tell him hiding and ignoring problems doesn't make them go away.
5 :
well it might be a good time for everyone with hiv/aids because they could all mate and not feel guilty about possibly infecting someone.
6 :
no i dont think so they have recently developed a cocktail for people infected with the disease so they have almost a 0 percent chance of spreading the disease unprotected amazing...
7 :
That's just ignorant.
8 :
I think we should put Hillary Clinton on an Island and leave her there.
9 :
Sorry but thats not really the way the world works.. If people are that concerned about being infected tell the to stop being stupid and use condoms.. I totally agree about the idiot comment and I think I have a lot of worse things to say that I wont.. People have rights bottom line..Plus we would never know who had it and who didnt.. because of laws that dont allow doctors to say..
10 :
okay well first of all HIV and AIDS are the same virus. second of all, even if someone were stupid enough to try and attempt this feat, good luck finding all of them. 1 in 4 people who have the disease don't know they have it because they dont have the means necessary to get themselves tested, let alone medication. so if someone were to really want to do this, you would have to test every single person in the world and then go about finding an uninhabited island big enough for all the victims of this terrible disease. whoever spoke those words was a purebred moron. cheerio!
11 :
i dont think they should get put on a deserted island i think if they're male: their penis should get chopped off, and if they're female: their hole should get blocked up. this way they would'nt be able to have sex of babies.
12 :
if it were something that you can get just by breathing next to someone, like small poxs, I think its a good call, but AIDS... its sooo your choice to sleep with someone who has aids/HIV. and NOT knowing isn't an excuse, if you sleep with someone and don't know if they have aids.. your the reckless one and should be put on an island isolated far far away. That's what I would say to that guy :o)
13 :
I do find questions like this interesting. there are no many diseases/conditions that are inherited, the argument could be that if you say 'yes' to that, you could say 'yes' to a multitude of little (or big, depending on the volumn of the disease) islands where all these different diseases would be. However, that would not irridicate ALL diseases entirely. New disease spring up all the time. The British Empire tried this whole remote island thing and sent their convicts there, and look what happened to them!! (by the way, it's australia)
14 :
Obviously it would be greatly unjust to do so. But people have got to stop spreading it! My GOSH. If you've got the virus or not, do safe sex if you absolutely have to have sex. Seriously. (I'm against pre-marital sex, so in my opinion don't do it at all until you're married, that way there's no sleeping around, and no spreading of STDs, (less) heartbreaks and unplanned pregnancies... )
15 :
WOW. How could you be so cruel that would be like saying well lets put the mentally challenged on one island and the people with HIV/AIDS on another its just not right because in most cases its not their fault they are like that or have that type of disease so next time you ask a question like that think it through before posting it.
16 :
First off its not a CHOICE to get HIV/AID, its something that happens for NO REASON. Yes there are people who do have a risk of developing it, certain things you do increase that risk, but is it any different than cancer? People smoke cigarettes knowing full well theycan get cancer, but do it anyway, alcoholics drink, knowing that could happen, people eat junk food, drink soda, eat fast food, knowing good and well they can get obesity, heart disease, diabetes and yet they do it anyways...Same with sex. We know that we can get STD's, pregnancy, Hepititis, etc, and yet we all still do it, we all do it, no one is excluded from this, even people who have protected sex, can still get HIV/AIDS, thats why its so dangerous and thats why you can't say all people who have HIV/AIDS are gay, or are slutty, or sleep can get it from a person who doesn't have a clue they have it, someone you're married to, been with for years, from a blood transfusion, from an accident, if you're a healthcare worker (which I happen to be). Its all so easy to point the fingers at people who "have unprotected sex" like thats the only reason people get this disease. I think you're absolutely right for saying this guy is an idiot. Ignorance is the worst thing in this country. Compassion, understanding and empathy is what we need to have. Anyone at anytime can get something horrible like this, if all of you people (people that answered with ignorance) had this disease how would you feel when peopel talked about you like this? Acted like you were trash because you developed a disease like this? Thanks for letting me speak my opinion.
17 :
that's just ignorant. Its unethical, would never work and well, i could go on but it will just piss me off that we have people that stupid making his uneducated thoughts public
18 :
Umm... That wouldnt work that well.. World population (as of July, 2007): 6 602 224 175 Infection percentage: About 5% of world population 6 602 224 175 – 95% = 33 011 208.75 (Decimal because it is not exactly 5% of people are infected, but it is close to that number.) I dont know of an uninhabited island where you could fit over 30 million people to make a "HIV/AIDS" colony. Anyways, in theory it would work well, but there are millions of people that don't know they're infected. The only solution to this would be toi test everyone, which would cost billions of dollars, and people may not show up. Knowing our govermental system today, I dont think that theyre going to chase down 6 602 224 175 (approx.) people to test for HIV/AIDS. Therefore, alot of people still with HIV/AIDS will be in the rest of the world. Yet another point, the infected would probably not allow themselves being taken away from their homes, families, posessions, ect. just because they have a communicapable disease. It is also unethical to do so, and there would be many protests, creating global instability, and also lawsuits because everyone has their own rights. Many people wouldnt think that this "solution" would be ethically correct, so there would be big debates, arguments, ect. that could possibly lead to wars and/or disaliances between countries. The UN would outrule this law because of ethics aswell. The only real solution to HIV/AIDS is to find a cure and/or a vaccine, because people are still going to have unprotected sex, and they are still going to spread STDs like HIV/AIDS. ------- I have noticed a few of the answerers stating that the questionner is ignorant, and that is leading me to believe that they havent read the question, or the entire question. Note that thw questionner said that it was not him, but someone else. Just a thought. Ignorance (uneducation on the prevention of illnesses such as STDs) is one of the reasons why HIV/AIDS is an epidemic and is ongrowing and relentless. V

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