Friday, June 12, 2009

How do people get Hepatitis B and C or HIV/AIDS from homemade tattoos

How do people get Hepatitis B and C or HIV/AIDS from homemade tattoos?
Just wondering. If the needle is clean and so if the environment can you still get it? Can you also get it from a regular store tattoo even if its clean and sterile?
Tattoos - 5 Answers
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1 :
If the needles are re-used and not sterilized (in an autoclave), and you tattoo person 1 who has hepatitis C, then you move right on to person 2, using the same needle, who doesn't have hepatitis C.. person 2 now has Hepatitis because it is transferred through the blood. The chance of getting it from a tattoo studio that's clean and sterile is very little, as needles aren't supposed to be re-used, and they use an autoclave for all the un-used needles and equipment.
2 :
because they don't clean it enough yes you can
3 :
HIV- probably not. Not unless the artist has it and stabs himself with the needle as he is doing yours. Hep C- yes you can! If the ink is poured back into the bottles or the ink wells are not STERILZED if they are resuable. The shop I go to wraps everything in seran- uses disposable needles & ink wells and wraps the gun in plastic- but I still worry sometimes!
4 :
If the needles are NEW, as well as sterile, and the tips and tubes are sterile, with quality ink thats proffessional tattooing pigment, and he wears gloves, your chances are slim of getting anything. If NOT, don't do it. The Aids virus dies shortly after exposure to air, but Hep virus can live up to 36 hours after it has dried. Anybody who re-uses anything that isn't stainless steel and sterile is a BIG problem!
5 :
Scratchers usually don't have an environment as clean as a shop which promotes the spreading of any disease from there. Also, an autoclave is used on all equiptment and those are expensive so the odds of someone who doesn't have an income from it having this are slim to none. You can get it from the tool not being properly sterlized even if they are clean, from the person if they have it and don't wear gloves and have a cut or any other way that your blood comes in contact with someone elses. Now days the odds of getting any disease from a licensed clean shop is pretty much zero. A trully sterile shop wont be able to support the life of these cells that spread it. The shop I use smells like bleach when you walk in, everything is slicked down and ALL equiptment is put through the auutoclave to be properly cleaned not just outwardly cleaned and abosultely no needles are re-used. They have one of those red hazzard bins on the wall and put all of the needles, even from piercings, in there and have it disposed of by a certified company. Homemade tattoos have none of these necessary factors to prevent infection no matter how hard they try.

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