Saturday, September 4, 2010

When will Christians stop saying that HIV/AIDS is a gay disease

When will Christians stop saying that HIV/AIDS is a gay disease?
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control,Blacks age 13 to 24 account for 63% of all new AIDS cases in america. This doesn't include the fact that africa has the highest number of people with HIV/AIDS. If God isn't responsible for bad things, and you say that bad things are the result of our sinning, why are innocent babies in Africa being born with HIV, What did they do to sin? Why are the majority of HIV/AIDS cases in America from black people? What if you were infected by a dirty needle in a hospital? (it happens)
Religion & Spirituality - 23 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
People still say that "gay disease" crap? I thought we dropped that nonsense decades ago.
2 :
stop picking on christians you bully
3 :
Got a link to your stats You're way to negative for this time of morning
4 :
it's a black disease too gays and blacks spreaders of aids make sure to wash your hands after being near them
5 :
if it's a gay disease why is it that lesbians are less likely to get it than straights?
6 :
I live in South Africa - highest HIV infection incidence in the world. It is not a gay disease as the overwhelming number of sufferers were infected via heterosexual encounters. Woman are the principal victims. Xians bigots lie all the time to justify their bigotry. If it was a gay disease then why is the Pope going around Africa trying to stop people protecting themselves with condoms? He has a lot to answer for.
7 :
They stop saying that the moment they have to deal with it in their own surroundings.
8 :
Aids or HIV is a disease That is brought on by gays, & lesbians. & also by using unclean needles for illegal drugs. But there is also aids that an innocent person can get by a blood transfussion
9 :
It's origin, is what Christians are talking about, not how it's spread. The Bible talks about how a homosexual encounters will result in disease upon their life. What stat that you are conveniently leaving out, or should I say the CDC will never reveal (I have a friend who works for the CDC) is that there are thousand of documented cases when two gay partners have NEVER had ANY homosexual encounters before in their lives prior to their current relationship, and yet they still get Aides. I have inside info, I know the truth....
10 :
It is not a 'gay' disease but a human disease spread through promiscuity and intravenous drug use. Innocent children are being born HIV positive as a result of their parents licentiousness and drug use. Most are not spread through hospitals as needles are no longer reused and blood and organs are tested for it. It is all of our problem.
11 :
As a mental health professional with 20+ years experience, including specifically addressing HIV / AIDS patients, I never will stop saying that. You may have percentages that prove that other populations are included in the diseased population, but that doesn't discount the reality of homosexuality being a prime force in the development of HIV/AIDS. God, as in the living Jesus our Christ, Bless you always.
12 :
They will stop when it stops being a gay disease which will be FOREVER. They will take it to HELL with them. I don't judge them. God has already judged them, as an ABOMINATION to Him. All of the answers are in the Holy Bible. Wouldn't it be quicker to get the TRUTH from the Bible than to ask people that don't know the TRUTH?
13 :
Most christians stopped saying that as soon as they discovered that HIV/AIDS was not limited to the gay community. Some christians never believed that as Jesus clearly taught that illness is not a punishment from God. (John 9:3) A hand full will always believe it as it suits their preconceived homophobic beliefs.
14 :
to be honest with you it did come from eating monkeys overseas. It has been mostly transmitted by humans having sex, man with man, and woman with woman. It is most common now with the gay people. However some people have gotten this from other sources. Aids is one of the things that is on humans. Many other things just as bad is on humans as well. The curse of death is the curse of death.
15 :
well, to tell you the truth, we Christians don't all believe that. it is (sorry) really the Catholics. the pope even said that condoms won't stop STD/AIDS. Like, I am a non-denominational christian, and I believe that their are bad things in the world because life is a real test, and without bad things, heaven wouldn't seem all that great compared to Earth. but, we do understand that homosexuals can contract the disease, but people are born with it, people contract it other ways, etc. so, all in all, evryone has their own opinion, Christian, Catholic, Athiest, and otherwise.
16 :
Is it just me or did Eric just imply that HIV just forms in gay people as a punishment from god and isn't an STD...RELIGIOUS RETARDS. this is why i despise christians sometimes. most gays and blacks don't have HIV, it's less that 10% for each group and there are social factors that lead to people having a higher incidence of disease, you don't get hiv just because you're black or you're gay
17 :
I read that HIV/AIDS is spreading fastest among heterosexual single people and heterosexual married couples. People still have the mindset that HIV/AIDS is mainly a problem for homosexuals. When heterosexuals have affairs they don't think about getting HIV/AIDS and they don't get tested. If people don't know they have HIV and have multiple affairs many people could get infected and never know it. I feel very sorry for the babies that are born with HIV/AIDS. They did nothing wrong and it's not their fault. I have seen people take blood and not want to wear gloves. I would think they'd be afraid of getting a disease. Some people don't have common sense.
18 :
im cristian and i doont think that hiv is an gay thingo, u get aids from having sex with like people hu have had like 100000000 sex partners gay and str8 so yah
19 :
Your right, anal cancer is a Gay Disease.
20 :
Never. It doesn't suit their (the Christians) moral purpose and anti-homosexual stance. Unfortunately AIDS started in Africa and was allowed to get out of control by governments that did nothing to stop it. Also education campaigns were non-existent for the most part in a country where many people are illiterate and uneducated. This was in rapid contrast to countries like Australia that had huge scary public education campaigns (The Grim Reaper ad), education in schools and promotion of the use and in many cases free distribution of condoms especially to sex workers. This very quickly contained the growth of HIV/AIDS in Australia in the 80's.
21 :
The demographic you are referring to will sadly probably not stop saying that HIV/AIDS is a gay disease until it happens to someone they know and love who is NOT gay. My family has always been very open-minded and accepting of homosexuality in our community and nation, but when AIDS was first discovered, it was almost universally known as a gay was a disease that only gay men seemed to be contracting, and thus, that was how it was described in the media and even in scientific discussions. Not long after hearing about the disease, my father went into respiratory distress and was rushed to the hospital to discover he had contacted HIV. The most likely cause? A blood transfusion he'd had five years before. There are PLENTY of straight people who have HIV. AIDS may have started out "a gay man's disease," but it is hardly that anymore. Question: Breast cancer is almost always only found in breast cancer a curse on women? Women can hardly get testicular cancer...I mean, really, think about it. Is testicular cancer a curse on men? And if you can answer yes to both questions, would you honestly approach a family member with one of these horrible ailments and tell them their suffering is a direct consequence of their sins and misdoings? I can't even believe some of homophobic, close-minded, bigoted, ignorant, uninformed, and simply STUPID responses to this question. It's absolutely appalling that in this day and age people can be so irrational.
22 :
Maybe when non-Christians stop making that connection:;_ylt=Ah13un3149XsYzaq6XnPe0DwDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20090723193501AARrb4C
23 :
When they understand what this mean MKNAOMI

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