Thursday, September 24, 2009

can large amount of hiv/aids blood survive in water that is being sent to our homes, schools etc

can large amount of hiv/aids blood survive in water that is being sent to our homes, schools etc?
can large amount of hiv/aids blood survive in water that is being sent to our homes, schools etc?
Biology - 3 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Aids virus cannot survive outside human system or It needs blood to survive, but if blood is mixed with water then AIDS virus cannot survive. If blood is added to water then any and all blood cells will burst in water because of osmosis. The cells will take water from surrounding and swell up and burst. Some bacteria will survive in water if water is contaminated with feces. So always boil water before drinking.
3 :
All viruses are OBLIGATE INTRACELLULAR Microorganisms.. They need to be inside cells to survive, and AIDS is not an exception... They need CELL to CELL transfer.. so the exposure of AIDS virus in the environment will ultimately kill it...

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