Thursday, March 1, 2012

Doesnt seem like there is a cure for HIV/AIDS when you see Magic johnson

Doesnt seem like there is a cure for HIV/AIDS when you see Magic johnson?
He has had it for close to twenty years now and he looks fine. Whats the deal? Have they made any major advancements in curing or slowing the virus?
STDs - 7 Answers
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1 :
There are drugs called anti-retrovirals which prevent the progression of HIV. But they are extremely expensive, which is why he seems to be the only one infected with HIV and still doing well.
2 :
I saw a year-old documentary about this gay dude in San Francisco who's had HIV for 22 yrs and though he's skinny from it, he's otherwise in ok health. He said he'd been on different drug trials since the disease first came into light. So that's one explanation. They say that HIV constantly metamorphoses with stronger rejection to current drugs. That's why pharmaceuticals keep having to invent newer drugs. On the flipside, it could be when Magic was first diagnosed that he may have received a false positive, only to be discovered several years after the fact. But seeing all the charity work he does in it's name then maybe nobody wants to blow the lid off what could be the truth. Anyway, it's just a theory. But I like the one South Park came up with better. :-)
3 :
There is no cure, but yes, there have been major advances in slowing the virus, particularly HAART (Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy) which has been available since about 1996. It is not a cure, but it allows many people with HIV to preserve their health for many years and live relatively normal lives. This treatment is available for nearly everyone in Western countries who needs it, and is increasingly used in the third world, too. It is not just for rich people with HIV, like Magic. Not everyone needs to use HAART as soon as they find out they have HIV, and a small percentage of people (long term non progressors) may not ever need to use it. If you have HIV you should check with your doctor if and when it is right for you.
4 :
It's not a cure, it's just a medicine that he takes to slow down the virus. It's very expensive. Or, as on south park, you liquify money and inject it into your veins, and THAT is the cure for AIDS.
5 :
When it comes to Magic he is the poster man of what a HIV+ person does that is right. He eats well (healthy foods) he gets plenty of rest, takes his medications as directed, exercises well, a triess to be stress free. By doing all of this he can keep his viral load in check to the point it could be undetectable at times. So yes there are major advances IF people do as they are told to do. My partner has been HIV+ for 25 years and is doing as well, so it's not about his money or fame, it is about doing what he needs to do to lead a healthy life.
6 :
To tell you the truth, the media mentioned that Magic Johnson has been testing negative recently. Also, in a local newspaper they claimed there's a POSSIBILITY that they've found a cure for HIV, but not effective for AIDS. I believe that with the money that he has, he's getting the best treatment out there and possibly even cured. Let's just hope for a cure...
7 :
I agree with Snout 100% and with flowerman (?) for the most part. I would only add to flowerman's response that when you have millions of dollars it is easier to live stress free, eat properly, have the time to exercise. Many people living with HIV in North America are living around the poverty line (and well below) with few choices (read: little money) to address the complementary side of HIV treatment. There are things that everyone can do, but it is easier when you have the money! On another note: there are certain percentage of people living with HIV that are referred to as long term non-progressors (people whose immune systems seem to be able to keep HIV in check and for whom treatment may not be (ever?) needed. I think this is what Snout was referring to, though I may be mistaken

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