Friday, February 1, 2008


HIV && AIDS... ???????????
Ok, i dont have it, but i want to know what ways you can get it. And how you can prevent it from heppening. Thankyou :)
STDs - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you can get it by: -sharing drinks -kissing -sharing blood (and i mean like if like they have a cut and you have a cut and your both bleeding, and then then their blood gets in you) thats all i can think of right now
2 :
HIV is transmitted through direct contact with the blood or body fluid of someone who is infected with the virus. The three main ways HIV is passed to a very young child are: while the baby develops in the mother's uterus (intrauterine) at the time of birth during breastfeeding Among teens, the virus is most commonly spread through high-risk behaviors, including: unprotected sexual intercourse (oral, vaginal, or anal sex) sharing needles used to inject drugs or other substances (including contaminated needles used for injecting steroids and tattooing and body art) In very rare cases, HIV has also been transmitted by direct contact with an open wound of an infected person (the virus may be introduced through a small cut or tear on the body of the healthy person) and through blood transfusions. Since 1985, the U.S. blood supply has been carefully screened for HIV. To Prevent it just be safe.
3 :
I am a Nurse and i work at a Nursing home and i wear gloves all the time while i am at work for protection but it does not mean that i will be 100% protected, I guess it is just the risk i take.. With Sex use the protection that's out there like condoms..
4 :
You can not get hiv from kissing. The only way you can get it from kissing is if you both have bleeding gums
5 :
HIV Virus is a virus that turn into Aids. HIV is a STD. STD=Sexually Transmitted Disease So to get the Aids Virus you will have to have sexual intercourse with your partner. So that is the ONLY common way to get hiv. Like who wouuld cut themselves and then just share theyre blood to get something that ALWAYS LEADS TO DEATH! No cure for Aids. But dont worry about getting it from a toilet seat, drinks, sharing clothes, etc. Hope this helps Also you can get it while the baby develops in the mother's uterus but thats is rare.
6 :
The only way to get it is through the transmission of body fluids with an infected individual. The only way to prevent HIV is to protect yourself from coming in contact with the virus itself. Do not participate in risky sexual behavior, any possible contact with suspected fluids from another person should seek immediate medical advice, evidence is still vague if saliva will transmit the virus that causes AIDS (HIV), but leaning towards unlikely ( so kissing is considered safe, with consequences of its own as well), and above all, don't assume you are invulnerable to contract it. Use common sense, if you feel you shouldn't do it, don't!
7 :
You don't get "it" by not having sex, or sharing needles for IV drug use, or by using condoms for sex, or by having just one partner that you have had a HIV test with. IF you don't do what I just said, you can become infected.

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