Thursday, March 24, 2011

How can I help and become active for HIV/AIDS

How can I help and become active for HIV/AIDS?
I was just wondering how i could become more active and help find a cure for HIV/AIDS
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
they have a cure but people cant have it. there is more money in treatment than in cures
2 :
Research. FULLY educate yourself as to where it originated. It's a start. Find out all that you can, from the facts discovered in '81, onward to now. Then, share it with others. Contact local health centers in your area and see if there are any programs under which you can enlist to go to schools and talk to others about it.
3 :
Go to med school, if your that determined to find a cure I'm sure you will do well in the field of medicine

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