Monday, July 20, 2009

How did HIV/AIDS start or come along

How did HIV/AIDS start or come along?
Since it's been all over the news lately, I've been wondering how it started. I've heard stories of a man having an open cut to intercourse with a monkey. Thanks in advance!
Other - Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
It is believed that the bite of a monkey in Africa transmitted a viral infection which mutated into what it is today.
2 :
Genetic study leads scientists to believe that it originally was a monkey disease of long standing that jumped species to humans. A monkey bite or eating undercooked monkey meat. The thing about sex was just thought up by some immature or stupid person who associates HIV transmission with sex and therefore when they heard it had previously been a monkey virus, assumed that it must mean there was sex. But blood to blood transmission was the most likely way it happened.
3 :
Having sex with monkeys, or eating monkey brains. Im not even kidding. Some people are so sick.
4 :
It came from eatting money brains. Aids is a immune disorder. You rarely ever hear someone say ''he died of aids.''. Most the time people with aids get cancer. If you are not familiar with what cancer is. It is a bad cell. Allot times are immune system recognize that bad cell destroys it. What happens when people have Aids is their bodies defense is so poor becuase the d12 cells are infected that it can not fight that over active cell. So they get cancer. Or a simple cold could kill them. It deadly to them. You can get AIDs through syringes, breast milk, blood semen, vagina discharge. You can not get aids through sweat, nor tears. HIV means you have the virus in you. Once it starts infecting cells then it is full blown aids. NOT ALL PEOPLE WHO HAVE AIDS ARE WHORES, DRUG USERS.Their was a woman who had aids.No one would take are of her. People even in the medical field are afraid of aids. Everyone like she gross she poops in the sink.This was the staff was saying. They were saying she a hoe, she combative. Well, my teacher went in the room she like I am going to give you a bath. She goes look in the closet. My teacher did and their was about 10 towels in there. She goes that was for every time someone said ''they were going to give me a bath.'' She was only pooping in the sink becuase she was to weak to get up and use the restroom. She had a bedpan. Her bed was by the sink. So she would try to dump the bedpan in the sink. She was dying from aids was really weak. My teacher gave her a bath. She told her she was afraid to die. Well, she then explain she never did drugs only slept with one man her husband. They were high school sweet hearts. He cheated on her and gave her aids. Her main concern was what was going to happen to the kids?She was only in her late 20s. So remember to be compassionate with people with AIDS.

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