Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What is the treatment for HIV/AIDS? And if it is untreated are there any long term effects to someones health

What is the treatment for HIV/AIDS? And if it is untreated are there any long term effects to someones health?
Thankyou No i don't have it. It is for an assignment at school, but i can't seem to find that information anywhere.
Infectious Diseases - 9 Answers
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1 :
There are a number of drugs used to treat HIV. Left untreated, HIV will turn into AIDS. AIDS will then kill you painfully
2 :
Do you have it? People can Live into a Long age with H.I.V or Aids. The highest recorded was 70+. And its usual to be about 65+ normaly. But. Without Treatment, It'll be painful. And AIDS kills you Slowly and Painfully.
3 :
some say v.c.o . out of 10 person during experiment 8 give good result.
4 :
yes there are many drugs to fight hiv most referred to as a cocktail which i believe are similar to radiation pills for cancer .treated or untreated hiv usually turns into aids.
5 :
Without treatment, you will likely die. I believe AZT is still the drug of choice, but my knowledge is out of date. I just know without any treatment, it will progress and you will contract something like pneumonia that your body is unable to fight off.
6 :
Er yeah. Death. The immune system is practically non-existant meaning they will constantly suffer infections and get serious complications.
7 :
I'd ask Magic Johnson if I were you. Whatever he's doing seems to be working wonders.
8 :
The standard treatment for HIV infection is something called HAART: Highly active antiretroviral therapy. This typically takes the form of three drugs, two nucleic acid analogues like AZT, and one HIV Protease Inhibitor, however this is only in general. There are now Integrase inhibitors, and NNRTIs, which can be added to the cocktail as well. What therapy is used depends on the state the patient is in. Untreated HIV infection progresses to AIDS. This took an average of two and a half to three years after infection in the 1980s, however this can vary enormous, up to decades. The majority progress within that period without treatment. Again in the 1980s before antiretroviral treatment was, the diagnosis of AIDS typically came when a patient would come down with Pneumocystis pneumonia, an infection that only occurs in people with completely nonfunctional immune systems. Average time to death from an AIDS diagnosis was six months prior to the availability of HAART.
9 :
HIV treatment is getting better all the time - but it's a very difficult disease to live with, especially because of the stigma around having it. it is very hard to have a normal life after getting it. Before 1997, standard therapy available was only AZT, and 2 other drugs like it. People took only 1. This "monotherapy" (meaning 1 medication only) made people sicker though sometimes by advancing the disease, and the side effects were bad. In 1997, the first line of real effective medicines were developed. People took 2 of the old drugs but ADDED a Protease Inhibitor (PI). That has saved lives. It was referred to as the "cocktail". Many different PIs were created so that if a person "uses up" one cocktail, they can change a med or two and take a different mix. There are many different options in case a person becomes resistant to certain drugs. In more recent years, medicine has gotten even better - regarding amount of pills having to be taken (they have put 2 and 3 meds into 1 pill), regarding effectiveness and strength of meds, and regarding less side effects. Typical side effects of pills are things like high blood pressure, diabetes, and liver toxicity over extended time, but I know plenty of people that never got any of that. Of course if someone doesn't take any HIV medicine they will die - make no mistake about it. Again, everyone is different, so whether the HIV turns into AIDS quickly or slowly differs. And yes, it is a humiliating, sad, painful death.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

can someone give me ideas about what to talk about in my research paper about HIV/AIDS

can someone give me ideas about what to talk about in my research paper about HIV/AIDS?
im doing a research paper about aids. i need some ideas about hiv that relate to education( teaching prevention/promoting safer practices:condoms etc.)/ Nursing (treatment,cures etc.)/ and biology. can someone please help me and give me links to websites for sources.
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
yes its called research and find what has most interesting info
2 :
3 :
Use critical thinking, its NOT a gay disease, however anal sex makes it easier to transmit. There is NO CURE, only treatment and its no bed of roses to treat it.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

How did HIV/AIDS start or come along

How did HIV/AIDS start or come along?
Since it's been all over the news lately, I've been wondering how it started. I've heard stories of a man having an open cut to intercourse with a monkey. Thanks in advance!
Other - Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
It is believed that the bite of a monkey in Africa transmitted a viral infection which mutated into what it is today.
2 :
Genetic study leads scientists to believe that it originally was a monkey disease of long standing that jumped species to humans. A monkey bite or eating undercooked monkey meat. The thing about sex was just thought up by some immature or stupid person who associates HIV transmission with sex and therefore when they heard it had previously been a monkey virus, assumed that it must mean there was sex. But blood to blood transmission was the most likely way it happened.
3 :
Having sex with monkeys, or eating monkey brains. Im not even kidding. Some people are so sick.
4 :
It came from eatting money brains. Aids is a immune disorder. You rarely ever hear someone say ''he died of aids.''. Most the time people with aids get cancer. If you are not familiar with what cancer is. It is a bad cell. Allot times are immune system recognize that bad cell destroys it. What happens when people have Aids is their bodies defense is so poor becuase the d12 cells are infected that it can not fight that over active cell. So they get cancer. Or a simple cold could kill them. It deadly to them. You can get AIDs through syringes, breast milk, blood semen, vagina discharge. You can not get aids through sweat, nor tears. HIV means you have the virus in you. Once it starts infecting cells then it is full blown aids. NOT ALL PEOPLE WHO HAVE AIDS ARE WHORES, DRUG USERS.Their was a woman who had aids.No one would take are of her. People even in the medical field are afraid of aids. Everyone like she gross she poops in the sink.This was the staff was saying. They were saying she a hoe, she combative. Well, my teacher went in the room she like I am going to give you a bath. She goes look in the closet. My teacher did and their was about 10 towels in there. She goes that was for every time someone said ''they were going to give me a bath.'' She was only pooping in the sink becuase she was to weak to get up and use the restroom. She had a bedpan. Her bed was by the sink. So she would try to dump the bedpan in the sink. She was dying from aids was really weak. My teacher gave her a bath. She told her she was afraid to die. Well, she then explain she never did drugs only slept with one man her husband. They were high school sweet hearts. He cheated on her and gave her aids. Her main concern was what was going to happen to the kids?She was only in her late 20s. So remember to be compassionate with people with AIDS.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

How are Ethiopian women with HIV/AIDS treated socially

How are Ethiopian women with HIV/AIDS treated socially?
How would women with aids be treated in a family or a community?
STDs - 1 Answers
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1 :
i think the ethiopian part has nothing to do with it, but i would recommend keeping it a secret until yo fully trust somebody.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

what is the chance of being infected with HIV/AIDS virus

what is the chance of being infected with HIV/AIDS virus?
I had a girl friend who is infected with HIV virus but I didn't know whether she is positive or not. Now she examined and she knew as she is positive. Before her I had not any sex with other girl, she were my first girl. I had sex with her many times using condom. But we were making a deep kiss all of the time, her vaginal fluid always were dropping on me and mine too, I had a finger fuck(sorry for the word) with her and she suck my penis all of the time. I had decided to test my blood, but I could not because when I think about blood test, I will terrorise. I know blood test is the only way to know my self, but I can't. So What Is The Probability To be Infected With This Virus? I am worrying too much.
STDs - 7 Answers
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1 :
why take the chance of sleeping with someone you know has aids?get a new gfriend
2 :
sweetie, go talk to a professional about your being afraid of the results. he or she will help and prepare you. for you don't want to waste any more time. you need a support group. God Bless
3 :
You do have a chance...and you must not take the risk of not checking. The blood test is very quick and the tiny needle does not even bother little children. Let the lab person know you are afraid...they can make is so you don't even know when it happens because they can numb the area if you like. If you find out quickly, you will live a longer longer life. NV
4 :
Well i hate to worry you, but its like a 99.9% chance if youv had intercourse with no protection. If you've used protection that hasn't failed you then you should be fine, but get yourself checked anyway. You can also catch HIV from oral sex. I suggest you gt yourself tested immediately to prevent you from giving it to anyone else and you should always wear a condom to protect yourself and others. When you sleep with one person, you sleep with all the people that they have slept with and you can never be too sure f they have it or not. Just please get yourself tested asap, if you have got HIV and you get treatment early you can still live a long life and it can be controlled. Refrain from having sex with this girl. If you do have HIV make sure you alays carry condoms even if your going to be sleeping with a person that has the disease as it can make the virus worse. Get yourself tested as a probability estimate isnt a secure enough way to discover you have it!
5 :
Run, do not walk, to the nearest health center or doctors office and, tell them what you told us, in the exact same words. In some States you could be held for felony for not telling them you have a STD and your having sex with multiple partners so, get with it and, let it all hang out before you get in trouble in more ways then one. If your friend has HIV then there's a very good chance that you now have it too, I would drop everything I was doing right now, right this instant and, run, right now, as I said, and do what I told you to do. You have a very good chance at controlling it in this day but, you have to seek treatment, go man, go.
6 :
You have a very high chance getting infected with HIV. Even if your test results prove to be negative, those may turn positive after window period of six months and by that time the virus would have multiplied many many times, making successful treatment a difficult task. The best way is to keep the virus load to minimum and be non-hesitant to consult the appropriate medical person.
7 :
When condoms are used reliably, they have been shown to prevent pregnancy up to 98 percent of the time among couples using them as their only method of contraception. Similarly, numerous studies among sexually active people have demonstrated that a properly used latex condom provides a high degree of protection against a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection. Theoretically HIV could be transmitted through contact with sweat, tears, saliva and vaginal discharges but in a very lower rate. So you are not very likely to get infected with HIV virus. Anyway, I strongly suggest you to make the HIV test. It always better to know it early. If the result is negative you will have yourself the chance to prevent the infection more rigorously! If the result is positive you will be treated earlier with the most update combinations of anti HIV new drugs. So don't hesitate to go checking for the virus! Here is a link for your future references! Good luck!

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

If HIV/AIDS eats white blood cells before more can be created, cant we find a way to just make more of them

If HIV/AIDS eats white blood cells before more can be created, cant we find a way to just make more of them?
HIV/Aids eats our helper cells... and when our helper cells eat too many of them they explode releasing the virus again.... so would just having more white blood cells work? im not very good at this.
STDs - 2 Answers
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1 :
The question is where would these white blood cells come from? I doubt if white blood cells can be manufactured in a lab because as far as i know white blood cells are created by the bone marrow...But anyway lets here more views from those who are more knowledgeable in the area of HIV/AIDS.
2 :
First of all, I want to tell you that I think your question is a good one, and it brings up an idea that I don't think I've ever heard before (focus on increasing white blood cells instead of killing the virus). Good thinking! One reason there is no cure or vaccine for HIV at this point is that the virus mutates (changes) so much that a particular medicine or vaccine may kill a few mutations, but not all of them. That said, I think it's possible that even if there was a way to create more white blood cells, the virus would mutate and eventually destroy those extra cells. Even though I don't think your idea would work at this point, that does not mean it is a bad idea. Maybe if more people started to think about this problem from different angles, we could come up with a vaccine or cure faster.

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Do the HIV/AIDS statistics through out the United States bother you

Do the HIV/AIDS statistics through out the United States bother you?
I mean, wouldn't you think with all of the HIV prevention programs out in the world that people would be a little more careful? I must say, I find it disturbing how many people are infected with HIV per year.
Infectious Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
Not as much as the ones in Africa!!
2 :
yes, but its stupid peeople always think IT WONT HAPPEN TO ME, dont take a risk use a condom, dont share needles check up now and again..with the doc
3 :
I must Agree with Charlene but Africa has dropped its HIV rates incrediably now it is Brazil which has the highest AIDS rate... United States isn't bad at all!!! in fact in Brazil 1 in 5 people have Aids... only like 1 in 30 people in America... you be the judge? :)
4 :
I do HIV education and testing. It is sometimes frustrating to see the number of people who still do not know how HIV is and is not transmitted, even though it is now 2009, not 1983. Some people still believe the only risk factors are homosexuality and sharing needles for drug use. Still others believe that it can be transmitted by saliva, and even by casual contact. Many people do not get tested because they believe they are not at risk, or "It won't happen to me". Others are so fearful of finding out that they have HIV that they avoid the testing. Still others believe that because treatment is so successful for so many people, they don't have to worry about getting sick because they can just take a pill everyday and live to be 100. (I always let my clients know that progress has been made, and people with HIV are living longer, healthier, but that that does not mean that everyone will react the same way to the virus and to the medications. I want to give clients hope without giving them permission to continue their reckless behavior.) Not getting tested is very risky, because in addition to lack of knowledge (or misinformation) about HIV transmission, lack of symptoms creates a situation in which people who are infected continue to pass the virus to others without realizing that they themselves are infected. Another big issue is drug addiction. In the middle of addiction, people often focus so much on getting drugs or the money for drugs that they will do anything to get money or drugs, including having sex with strangers, and pay no attention to the consequences. People who use drugs often make decisions and do things while using that they would not do while sober. It is also possible that they could have "blackouts"--periods of time while using that they are conscious, but that once the drugs have worn off, they do not remember what they did or with whom. The situation in Africa is very disturbing to me. Many people in Africa believe that having sex with a virgin will cure them of the virus. This myth results in a high rate of rape of young people and the spread of the virus.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do African Americans seriously believe that the HIV/AIDS virus was created by the gov to kill them off

Do African Americans seriously believe that the HIV/AIDS virus was created by the gov to kill them off?
I heard this theory is very prevalent in the black community. Is that true?
Other - Cultures & Groups - 21 Answers
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1 :
...Which black community?
2 :
Yes, it is. For one thing, people of African stock have little resistance to the disease (the Norse and Swedes appear to be more resistant). It was traced to Africa, and it is there where the disease is worst. For paranoid people, the conclusion is simple: The USA did it to test out biological weapons.
3 :
I thought it was for a while.
4 :
lol I heard this one too...and Im black its a load of bull black ppl want to blame the 'white man' or the 'gov' for everything but a lot of poor ghetto ppl DO believe it.... not us normal blk ppl who aren't living in the projects and when black ppl like me don't fall into that sterotype or their beliefs they call us ( me ) a sellout a " white man lover" can u believe Alicia Keys had a audacity to say that HIV/Gov't thing? lord have mercy she's not even blk...well her father is
5 :
It wouldnt surprise me if that were true I heard this theory and it makes sense to me, why not test out something on the disposable blacks and while your at it kill off Africa and go take their land which is the most potent land in the world
6 :
LOL. No. thats Idiotic!
7 :
No this is the first time that I've heard of this. And I find it ridiculous. As for anu.... all you had to do was say whether you believed it or not. I find it funny that you call yourself "normal". So what just because some live in a different neighborhood it makes them different or from the tone of your post of lesser stature. Get over yourself. A sinple yes or no would have sufficed.
8 :
Some people I am sure beleive that. But anyone with at least a shred of intelligence knows that isn't true. I read in a Biology publication that HIV has been traced to Africans. They beleive that it was passed on to man from Gorillas (or another primative great ape, i am not exaclty sure). This Ape was was hunted for its meat, i believe. Dealing with the dead ape, the men (the hunters) became infected whrn there blood came into contact with the blood of the infected ape. The men, unknowingly, brought the disease back to their wives/lovers, and it has spread like crazy. Makes sense to me. There is great supporting evidence for this (thanks to phylogenetics). ~chai edit: Charlie D has got it, and the monkey's form of the virus is called SIV, and its not deadly like it is in humans.
9 :
10 :
No, I never thought this, and I don't believe this, but it's not as crazy as you may think. Consider the following 1. The government only made a real effort to put an end to black oppression 45 years ago 2. The response to Katrina was pathetic. They didn't care about the blacks there. 3. No one cares about Genocide in Africa. 4. They (Germans) already tried to kill the Jews. The US government's response was pathetic. (Therefore, everyone who's not a white Protestant is not important). 5. The US tested chemicals on its own troops. If the government thinks that little of the soldiers, I wouldn't be surprised if they did that to us. 6. The government doesn't think anything of killing people to get what it wants. Look what they did to the Native Americans to get their land. 7. Recently they started to test artificial blood on patience who rode in ambulances without their consent. Not that I believe this, I'm just saying it's plausible
11 :
I wouldn't put anything past the government. Did you know they used LSD on soldiers to see if it would make them super soldiers. True story.
12 :
Ever heard of the Tuskegee syphillis experiment? We have plenty of reason to be a little paranoid.
13 :
i heard about this in africa.. and i think its true.. Have you ever watched how many commercials showing people with HIV/AIDS in Africa. I know that HIV/AIDS is everywhere now but you will never see one commercial saying help people with AIDS in America or UK i don't know about the other countries though. (for the record i'm cool with white people - we all equal unless there is someone who got a problem with me)
14 :
Never heard that before. HIV and Aids were mainly started by the gay community and drug users.
15 :
haha wow. i have never heard this before but no that is not true. HIV/AIDS started from some person screwing a monkey.
16 :
Yes, many blacks believe that ridiculous theory, including Will Smith. They also believe that guns and crack cocaine were provided by the government, in an attempt to kill off the blacks. Many people, including a previous poster, think that AIDS originated from people "screwing" monkeys. It actually originated from people butchering infected monkeys for food. People of all races like to believe conspiracy theories.
17 :
I've never heard it put that way, but rather that HIV/AIDS was created in a lab, and then carelessly introduced in African communities. Here are some other theories which have been asserted with just as much vigor, if not more: -When it first hit the United States, it killed more gay white males than anyone else. This also sparked some gays to believe that the search for a cure had been decelerated because it afflicted mostly gays. -And of course, you can't ignore the bigots who also believed that *God* created the disease to wipe out gays and blacks. -Some bigots also believe that an African trekked deep into the jungle one evening and decided to have sex with an ape that carried the AIDS virus. Of course this theory never goes as far as to explain how HIV/AIDS was introduced into white populations too. -Lastly, some French scientists have done extensive research on the origin of AIDS as highlighted in the documentary "Les Origines du SIDA" or "The Origin of AIDS" (2003). They also suggest that AIDS was created in a lab, in Africa (I forget which country), and irresponsibly introduced into the local population. You can view that documentary here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml7q6iMwqLY (the user BaMenace has most of the documentary broken up in parts). So, you see, there are many conspiracy theories (and, literally, out-of-this-world theories) surrounding HIV/AIDS. Can we move on now and try and find a cure?
18 :
which black community? that is not true. that is wrong.
19 :
I've never heard this
20 :
Black people have reason to believe this, as crazy as it may sound but look at history Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male was a clinical study, conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama by the U.S. Public Health Service. 399 poor — and mostly illiterate — African American sharecroppers were studied to observe the natural progression of the disease if left untreated. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study injured the level of trust in the black community towards public health efforts in the United States.
21 :
I knew about this feeling by Africans in Africa, but I never knew it also spread to America. How weird.

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