Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Can you get HIV aids by kissing your partner

Can you get HIV aids by kissing your partner?
can you get aids(HIV) by just kissing your girlfriend if she has it?
Infectious Diseases - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
only if there is a sore or something in her mouth that's causing bleeding. even if there is a sore, it's unlikely that you'll contract it.
2 :
It is believed that HIV can not be spread by saliva, however if she or you have any open sores in or around your mouth then I wouldn't kiss her until they heal up. You should be okay, though- don't worry. :)
3 :
transferring the HIV virus comes from the exchange of bodily fluids . a simple kiss = no , however french kissing its possible
4 :
Very unlikey,but possible if you have dental disease,or open sores in your mouth.
5 :
Not unless there's an open sore in your mouth and there's blood involved. A doctor once told my group at work that you really can't catch HIV from saliva or tears because there isn't enough virus present in it.

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