Thursday, June 24, 2010

what are ethical ramifications if a medical personnel leaked HIV/AIDS info to unauthorized source

what are ethical ramifications if a medical personnel leaked HIV/AIDS info to unauthorized source?
I am almost finished with a final paper, but I am stumped! How is it unethical if the public needs to know so that person cannot spread the disease??
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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it is unethical because it is not a doctors or nurses right to tell anyone about someone's health problems regardless of what the problems are. if you insist that a nurse tell everyone about someones AIDS because it is 'for the good of other people' then you must also tell everyone about every other spreadable disease- hep C, the flu, the common cold, STD's, hep A, hep B, fungal infections.. then you also need to tell the public about other things- maybe the person is a user of drugs! maybe he robbed a store once! maybe she cheated on her husband! it just goes on and on and on- if you decide one thing is ok to tell everyone about 'for their own safety then you decide everything is ok- privacy will not exist anymore. besides, the person suffering the disease will be isolated and condemned by the community merely when chances are- knowing they have an std- they're not going to go around having unprotected sex anyway. it's simply not fair to assume that they will spread the disease and therefore destroy their privacy and their life by telling everyone. now i think if they had spread the disease on purpose before, then by all means tell everyone. :D

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