Sunday, April 1, 2012

if some1 knows that they hiv/aids and they purposely give it to you, can you file charges of attempted murder

if some1 knows that they hiv/aids and they purposely give it to you, can you file charges of attempted murder?
i've heard stories about people sleeping with other people to give them HIV/AIDS and i heard somewhere you can get the person arrested for attempted murder, is this true?
STDs - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, if the person with aids know that they are infected and pass it to someone else by having unprotected sex, that's basically murder.
2 :
Yes, it is a crime to have sex with someone if you know you have HIV and do not tell the other person about your infection. The person can be arrested and charges can be filed. The exact charges would vary depending on the state where the crime takes place. Charges could include anything from reckless endangerment to attempted murder. In some cases, it may not matter if the second person does not actually contract HIV. The fact that they were at risk is often enough to file charges.
3 :
It is true that in most states there is a law against having sex with someone without disclosing your HIV infection. In my state, Louisiana, it is called Intentional Exposure. It caries a ten year sentence. It isn't a charge that is used often though. It can be difficult for the victim to come forward and give up their own confidentiality to press charges. It is also very hard to prove because of the confidentiality surrounding the release of HIV test results.
4 :
Yes. It's lawless. if you can also file charges online. just need an account at the std social site pozcupid . com .
5 :
It depends. Each state has different laws, in some states it is considered attempted murder. I live in NY State and it is the belief here that if you are having sex you should have the ability to ask your partner their status and if you are concerned at all it is up to you to insist on protection. So depending where you live it is important to check the laws of your state.

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