Thursday, June 28, 2012

How many people do you know with HIV/AIDS

How many people do you know with HIV/AIDS?
Sadly, our youth are becoming complacent and aren't scared of getting HIV/AIDS anymore...they just think they can "Take a pill" each day and live with it? But, how many people do YOU know living with HIV/AIDS? We need to share their stories with the youth so they know what "living" with HIV/AIDS is really like...
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 7 Answers
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1 :
2 :
0 For the record, I'm considered a part of today's youth, and not once have I said, "Oh, I think I'm going to go get me some AIDS today. Then have a AIDS pill party." Get real, bro. Nobody is dumb enough to be complacent about AIDS.
3 :
Lol I don't know anybody but myself with HIV.... Anyways, let me tell you that living with HIV is nothing different than living without it. The only thing is when you go to bed and lay there and think about how many years, days, hours you have left. We are all going to die sometime,true, but being an HIV carrier just makes you be more aware of that. But I hardly ever let that get me down. to quote one of the best musicals, there is "no day but today".
4 :
I actually only know one, a friend I met my first year in college. I've always been super diligent about safe sex, but it definitely woke me up when he told me he had it. Knowing someone personally who had it definitely made it seem more real.
5 :
i know a lot of gay people so yes i know people with AIDS there really nice people too bad about that disease tho
6 :
Right now today I know more than 200. In the 80's I knew 100's if not a couple of 1000. I also watched as AIDS decimated the gay population in the SF Bay Area. I was a volunteer in the many HIV/AIDS hospices on the SF peninsula. I still do volunteer work but I am just an old man to most of the youth today. Getting through to them is very difficult and it is sad that 3 in 100 of them will get HIV by the time they are 25.
7 :
i knew six ...three are dead, one is just holding on , the other two are desperately trying to find bogus homeopathic "cures" in mexico.

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