Sunday, October 28, 2012

What are some controversial topics related to HIV/AIDS

What are some controversial topics related to HIV/AIDS?
You opinions please! Thanks in advance.
Infectious Diseases - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
How about this one: is AIDS real? I mean there is a very strong correlation between having HIV and developing AIDS but it's not 100% so there's room for debate, although certain pharmaceutical companies don't want you to.
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3 :
That HIV exists and it causes AIDS i not controversial. Anyone who says otherwise is extremely ignorant of the wealth of data. The practice of giving out condoms is quite controversial. They work fairly well, but does handing them out promote promiscuity? Does it matter even if it does?
4 :
One of the most controversial issues around HIV/AIDS is the assertion that HIV causes AIDS. There are scientists who now believe that the virus is simply opportunistic. This would explain why it is common in high risk groups, like IV drug addicts, homosexuals, people with hemophilia, and people with protein malnutrition. After many years of dealing with this problem, many people now believe that nutrition is key to progression from HIV infection to AIDS. This is more so in Black people, because of the heritage of maize. A maize diet causes protein malnutrition which weakens the immune system; this weakness passes from generation to generation. The affected thrive better on a low protein micro nutrient dense diet.
5 :
As a person living with HIV for 4 years I would say the biggest topic is the stigma the HIV community still faces everyday after so many years . Many people living with HIV cannot get the healthcare that is needed to live with the disease and this allows it to turn into AIDS . Many people living with HIV / AIDS face a life of fear , stigma and ignorance . I myself would say HIV / AIDS IS infact a controversial topic all in itself .

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